Gtx 770and my power supply


Nov 21, 2013
Hey guys,

I just purchased this card for Wildstar and I was just wondering if my power supply is going to be strong enough to run it, I know nothing about power supplies at all as far as the specifications go :(. So thank you in advance, Here is the power supply I have
And this is the card I bought

PS: I currently have a Gtx 570 and it runs fine, a bit hot sometimes underload (90c).
It has 48A on the +12v rail, that's more than enough.
It has 2 PCI-E connectors, that GPU requires 2
It has enough watts
It's made by Seasonic, one of the best makers in the industry. It's one of their cheap ones, but still.

I'd say for your budget it's the perfect PSU.
I have never heard of that brand before, but judging by the label on it, I'm going to guess and say it won't be able to power a gtx770. Any PSU that doesn't list how many watts it has on it's +12v rail is kind of shady. It says it has two 20A +12v rails, but doesn't tell us how many watts dedicated to the +12v.

I'm pretty confident it won't have the 42A required for a gtx770. See if anyone finds better info than I have.



Nov 21, 2013
I bought that power supply in 2011 for 30 dollars, that's why I'm asking if it will do with this card. It did fine with a 460 and a 570 so will it do with this 770? That's what I'm asking.

I wouldn't try personally. I'm afraid if it fails, it might kill other parts in your system. It looks like it has more than enough Watts, but it also looks like it has very little Amps on it's +12v rail.
It has 48A on the +12v rail, that's more than enough.
It has 2 PCI-E connectors, that GPU requires 2
It has enough watts
It's made by Seasonic, one of the best makers in the industry. It's one of their cheap ones, but still.

I'd say for your budget it's the perfect PSU.