GTX 780 6GB for Oculus?

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Feb 28, 2015
I'm looking to buy either an Oculus or a Vive, but want to make sure my PC can handle it. I have an i5 4460, 12GB RAM, and an Asus Strix GTX 780 6GB with a heavy over clock. Can I play VR fluently until around summer 2018 when I upgrade? I want to wait for the 1180.
You can run VR, it should perform at spec no problem, just run Valve's The Lab VR benchmark beforehand to make sure. 😉
The HTC Vive is also a much superior experience, take my word, i've tried both and the Oculus falls woefully far behind.
Agree with Chugalug_.

And yeah... HTC. The news from Occulus on their roomscape solution and controllers is sorta crazy.
$200 for the controllers makes it equal to HTC Vive.
Purchasing another camera for roomscape?! Now the Vive is officially cheaper and better.
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