[SOLVED] GTX 780 HOF Issues!!


Sep 20, 2020
Hey, I recently bought a GTX 780 (non Ti) Hall of Fame edition and I have a few issues with it so far. The biggest issue is with drivers, I re-installed windows 10 three times total now and I still get red artefacts all over my screen and whenever I restart the pc it just doesn’t get past the options to go into my bios settings and the card stops outputing to my monitor. I’ve tried reseting my cmos, bios, fully wiped and re formated the drive, restart countess times, drivers from nvidia, drivers from EVGA, reset switch on motherboard, different dvi port and its not a psu issue Its running on a 500w bronze psu. Its 99% nothing to do with the pc itself as I have been using it normally as a test bench and second pc! What could possibly be wrong with the card? What can I do before shoving it in the oven for 10 minutes? Any suggesting wo be greatly appreciated!

PSU: COUGAR SL 500 12V V1 is 19A
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I have one of the 8 pins on a 2x molex to 1x 8pin because the psu only has one 8pin. It has booted into windows before but thats as far as ive gotten. After I install drivers it says that no drivers are installed, and the screen goes black for a few seconds with only artifacts. I’m loaning a 580 to a classmate and he has to use a 2x molex to 8 pin too and it seams to work for him. Maybe your right, ive never come into power issues before so I’d like to fix the artifacts first. The card is old, some screws are a bit rusty and the heatpipes are starting to corrode slowly. I really want to get it to work, its my favourite card so far, I dont want to add it to my collection of gpu’s that are broken, not ever. I’ll try any suggestions...
500w bronze doesn’t tell us the quality of the psu and that can vary hugely. The 780 was moderately power hungry, I know mine recommended 42A on the 12v which would be beyond a 500w.

However from your description I think it’s more likely that it’s a faulty card. Artifacting is often a sign of a dying card and given its age would not be a surprise.
500w bronze doesn’t tell us the quality of the psu and that can vary hugely. The 780 was moderately power hungry, I know mine recommended 42A on the 12v which would be beyond a 500w.

However from your description I think it’s more likely that it’s a faulty card. Artifacting is often a sign of a dying card and given its age would not be a surprise.
I have one of the 8 pins on a 2x molex to 1x 8pin because the psu only has one 8pin. It has booted into windows before but thats as far as ive gotten. After I install drivers it says that no drivers are installed, and the screen goes black for a few seconds with only artifacts. I’m loaning a 580 to a classmate and he has to use a 2x molex to 8 pin too and it seams to work for him. Maybe your right, ive never come into power issues before so I’d like to fix the artifacts first. The card is old, some screws are a bit rusty and the heatpipes are starting to corrode slowly. I really want to get it to work, its my favourite card so far, I dont want to add it to my collection of gpu’s that are broken, not ever. I’ll try any suggestions even if it takes hours I am determined to get this card working
I have one of the 8 pins on a 2x molex to 1x 8pin because the psu only has one 8pin. It has booted into windows before but thats as far as ive gotten. After I install drivers it says that no drivers are installed, and the screen goes black for a few seconds with only artifacts. I’m loaning a 580 to a classmate and he has to use a 2x molex to 8 pin too and it seams to work for him. Maybe your right, ive never come into power issues before so I’d like to fix the artifacts first. The card is old, some screws are a bit rusty and the heatpipes are starting to corrode slowly. I really want to get it to work, its my favourite card so far, I dont want to add it to my collection of gpu’s that are broken, not ever. I’ll try any suggestions even if it takes hours I am determined to get this card working
Needing an adapter is a strong indication the psu is not up to the job and wasn’t designed for it. Looking up the psu model you have added it looks inadequate by its spec and often low quality PSU’s won’t actually meet the spec they publish. Even if you get the gpu running you are risking damaging the pc with that psu.

However you description of issues after installing the driver and artifacting would make me think it’s a dying gpu. Can you try the gpu in a friends pc and see if the problems follow it.
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Needing an adapter is a strong indication the psu is not up to the job and wasn’t designed for it. Looking up the psu model you have added it looks inadequate by its spec and often low quality PSU’s won’t actually meet the spec they publish. Even if you get the gpu running you are risking damaging the pc with that psu.

I strongly second this. A quick lookup reveals that the GTX 780 Hall Of Fame is a 250W card. A good 500W PSU might be struggling with that a bit, depending on the rest of the system components.

A 500W PSU that claims to be 500W, but only has a single 8-pin connector, is very likely not actually capable of producing 500W.

And, any sort of molex-to-PCIe adapters is just asking for trouble, of the fire-hazard variety.
Needing an adapter is a strong indication the psu is not up to the job and wasn’t designed for it. Looking up the psu model you have added it looks inadequate by its spec and often low quality PSU’s won’t actually meet the spec they publish. Even if you get the gpu running you are risking damaging the pc with that psu.

However you description of issues after installing the driver and artifacting would make me think it’s a dying gpu. Can you try the gpu in a friends pc and see if the problems follow it.
I tryed it in my Main rig, which has six 8 pins and it is a 700W. The Cougar 500W hasnt given me issues before and It was given to me by a friend So Im certain its not the psu. With that being said, It didnt even display when hooked up to the 700W even after a few restarts.

I tryed it in my Main rig, which has six 8 pins and it is a 700W. The Cougar 500W hasnt given me issues before and It was given to me by a friend So Im certain its not the psu. With that being said, It didnt even display when hooked up to the 700W even after a few restarts.

As I said your description did make me think it’s more likely a failing gpu, I still think that’s the most likely cause. However had you got it working I still strongly feel that 500w is a risk to the whole system. Had the system run without issue I would still feel that psu puts the system at risk of damage, psu failure can happen with no warning and damage any components connected to it.
Sorry, the PSU is junk. 430W of +12V means an archaic, ancient design, and at this point, it's an old junk PSU. That the junk PSU didn't obviously kill different hardware that required different wattage (most damage is silent for a long time) doesn't mean anything.

You then threw on a very old card that was a heavily overclocked version of a 250W GPU that would have higher spikes. And then you used an adapter which is almost never recommended.

Artifacts suggest failing RAM. It's hard to tell if the GPU was dying when you got it or if the low-quality PSU did it in. Some of the choices made here were not ideal.
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Hello, I put the card in the oven for 10 min at 185°c and now it works perfectly! No artefacts, rebooting issues or anything. I tho my psu was okay, so I guess it was down to chance. Thanks for the help non the less, but it does start artefacting after an overclock of 50mhz at least.

Yes, it works on my 500W. If I have some spare time and/or am curious enough to see if that lets be oc further without any artifacts.
Corsair CX550M

65 dollars.
I highly suggest to get rid of that psu
Using an adapter to feed the gpu is not great. It can cause issues

It will run now but 1 weeks later the old board can cause problems
Well, this is a healthy helping of terrible idea. But it's your equipment, so good luck you.
Haha, 🤣
I honestly am thinking of chucking it in my main rig with my 700W and selling my 2070, I don’t need the processing power anymore and it would be good money for it considering ive had it for almost two years and I can sell it for more than I bought it for to miners. Maybe when the market cools down I can use that money to get a cool 1080ti or Titan Xp, I don’t really care about performace as long as it does the job. I just enjoy collecting cards