Question GTX 780 works in friends system but not mine but other 780 works in pc. Please help!

Apr 20, 2021
I have a gtx 780 and tried it in friend's pc and it worked perfectly fine. Then I tried it in mine and it didn't work (EVGA) (No output, fans are at max speed with beeps). But the weird thing is that I have another 780 and it works in the pc (PNY). They are also founders edition cards and the one that works in the pc is a PNY card while the other is EVGA. But wait its even more weird, if I try both at the same time without an SLI bridge it boots to windows but no display from both cards.

Pc is a early Alienware aurora r4 with i7 930 @ stock and hdd and 875w psu and 20gb ram ddr3 and using newest Bios.
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Have you tried booting into safe mood with the PNY gtx 780 and using DDU to remove the drivers, shutdown and install the EVGA card, boot up then the current supported drivers for the card?

I'm not sure if you will be able to run them in SLI easily with different manufacturers. You should be able to but we all know how when the cards aren't the same, you have fun things happen, just like mixing RAM sticks.
I have not tried what you said in safe mode but in a normal boot. Tried like a million different driver versions and nothing worked, will try in safe mode. Thank you. I also didn't say I got them both on eBay for 30$ (EVGA) posted as broken and 100$ (PNY) broken as well. I'm also getting artifacts and error 43 with the card that worked and will heat-gun it soon to fix.

Thank you!
Yep, they are better than gtx 1080 at mining and cost like nothing (normal 200$) but I got them both for 130$

And im pretty good at fixing computer parts.. So why not take the risk?
How is a GTX 780 better for mining than a GTX 1080 exactly?

The GTX 780 isn't even in the page. That's for Ethereum.

And that 130 dollars wasn't a good price if they are not working.

"Tried like a million different driver versions and nothing worked, will try in safe mode"

This is not "I'm pretty good at fixing computer parts". This is not "Fixing" something that is broken. When something is broken it's broken. There is something not working properly on the card itself. No amount of drivers or trying OS things will fix that issue. Are you gonna start changing every chip on the GPU?

Next time you see "Broken" in description do not buy it.
How much Sol/s does that 780 doing?

The 1080 should do better. People are even saying that a 1060 3GB is better than a 780 for BTG - ZHash.

A 780 doing around 30 USD would be more realistic in a month. Not 100 USD. A GTX 1080 should do that 100 dollars and more. Like 150 dollars a month.
Bitcoin Gold uses single Hashes actually. 70.3 H/s

Why is there calculator asking for the sol and others for the hashrate on the same Equihash 144_5.

"Hashrate reflects the performance of mining hardware. It is measured in solutions per second. A solution in the Bitcoin GOLD network is called a sol".

Am I wrong? I am not a coin expert as you can see.

To me a GTX 1080 should do more money than a GTX 780 mining Bitcoin Gold. This does not make any sense at all. Even people on threads are saying that they are doing more money with a GTX 1060 3GB compared to a GTX 780. So the GTX 1080 should do better.
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