GTX 960 and UltraWide Monitors


Sep 8, 2016
Do they get along in gaming?

I'm in need of a new desktop monitor and I'm considering getting one but I don't want to game on average settings.

i7 4790 3.60ghz (8 cpus)

I read some of the other posts regarding the same issue, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.

Also, this is the one I'm considering:

Any opinions on that would be appreciated as well. Thank you in advance

the 960 is a good 1080p card

up the resolution and its going to start bogging down

you would probably want something like a gtx 1060
I already have the 960. Have had it for a little over a year. My monitor is just really old and starting to go down.

How much of a bog down are we talking?
I rarely do ultra now just to avoid server lag issues and things of that nature. Maybe I should just wait and get the new video card first. I'm so bad at decisions lol
Ok so I wont be able to get the GTX 1060 because my PC won't run it because of power consumption so I hear. 330w power supply. It is said I need 400w for the 1060. I can get the GTX 970 though.