gtx 960 gonna be power problem?


Aug 20, 2015
hello i just bought gtx 960 and i saw IT HAS 2 x 6PIN power connectors in complect i got only 1 6pin connector and for second my psu doesnt have thoes 8 pin connectors (showed in picture (those white ones)) so I NEED TO HAVE 2 x 6pin connectors connected for gpu to work? (beside my psu is 430W)
dont get a cx they are not quality psus. For a heavy oced game system always get a t1 or t2 supply for a more basic system you could use a t3 if you have a budget,

The white connectors are called molex What you picture shows is a molex to 6pin pcie connector. So if you have one on your psu now you could use 2 molex to power the adapter and then you would have 2 pcie 6 pins to plug into you graphics card. Unless you have a specific card which requires an 8 pin you dont say what brand and model you have of 960.
Yes, you will need 2 x 6 PIN connectors to power the GPU. It wont even start working with just one connected.

And what do you mean by 8 pin connectors? I thought the GPU only need 2 x 6 pin. There are some OCd versions which need 1x6 + 1x8 but most of the 960s only need 2x6 to work.

430w are basically enough for a 960 but since you're missing the correct cables, you'll sadly have to get a new psu.

That in the picture is Molex. Dont use this on GPUs. Only use the real PCI-E power cables. (PCI-E at both ends of the cable)
The minimum power requirements for the GTX960 is 400 watts, the card itself can use up to 120 watts. So unless your power supply is dead on accurate rating its wattage at room temperature you're going to want to upgrade it.
ugh well i bought a huge monitor but it was just too big for me (27") and it costed much so i think take money back for monitor buy less expensive and a psu what psu you suggest in this shop:
Well i cant read that. 😀


Take a look at this list and go for any tier 2 PSU or tier 3 if you want to safe even more. Dont go for the tier 4 ones though.

Choose any 400-500w unit which is available in the shopyou mentioned + in tier2/3 and you should be fine. But make sure it got 2x6pin PCI-E. :)

Go for the one you like the most or just the cheapest one.
dont get a cx they are not quality psus. For a heavy oced game system always get a t1 or t2 supply for a more basic system you could use a t3 if you have a budget,

The white connectors are called molex What you picture shows is a molex to 6pin pcie connector. So if you have one on your psu now you could use 2 molex to power the adapter and then you would have 2 pcie 6 pins to plug into you graphics card. Unless you have a specific card which requires an 8 pin you dont say what brand and model you have of 960.