GTX 960 not displaying


Aug 15, 2015
So I've gone through about 10 threads with similar issues and have yet to find a fix for this.

My card has power and I have tried to re-seat it 5-10 times already. When I boot my PC, the fans spin for maybe 20 seconds and then stop, nothing displays on the monitor.

I'm currently running a GTX 960 2GB, an AMD Athlon x4 860k, on a MSI A78M-E35 motherboard.

I've seen people say to make changes in bios, but I can't exactly get to the bios because the CPU requires a discrete GPU.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, I apologize for any formatting or grammatical issues, I am currently writing this on a phone. Thanks in advance.
Could be that you got a bad card. [the fans on the gpu not spinning after 20 seconds is nothing to worry about as the newer gpus have this 0DB silent feature where the fans dont work until the core reaches a certain temp threshold.

the fans spin on startup to get rid of any dust particles.]

First thing is that With a cpu without integrated graphics you have no choice but to try with an older graphics card or get one from a friend to test if the other components are okay or not.

there are many things which could be wrong here.

a failing psu.
a failing motherboard.
a failed gpu.