S Seanmarquandjr Reputable Sep 16, 2015 3 0 4,510 Sep 16, 2015 #1 in building a new pc to stream games. basically every popular game. I'll be using an i7-4790k, and was wondering if a gtx 970 would be sufficient to stream games, or if it would benefit me to upgrade to a 980/980 ti
in building a new pc to stream games. basically every popular game. I'll be using an i7-4790k, and was wondering if a gtx 970 would be sufficient to stream games, or if it would benefit me to upgrade to a 980/980 ti
ChumP Splendid Sep 16, 2014 3,408 286 28,390 Sep 16, 2015 #2 You will stream and play games at 1080p so the GTX 970 + i7-4790k should be plenty for your needs. Upvote 0 Downvote