gtx 970 msi or gigabyte

Vladimir Aquino

Nov 14, 2014
so any input would be really appreciated

i have a msi gtx 760 now and i'm selling it and i really like how well it overclocks but i been

hearing gigabyte does it better.

i'm getting the card for gaming and i would like the best overclocker.

i have the headroom for both

thanks,love this community.
I've had problems with Gigabyte before. I may be unlucky since some people never had issues with them. I had issues with 2 motherboards and a graphics card. Their support is correct though. If you run in any problems they should be able to help you.

It depends on the card you picked from both companies. MSI's GTX970 GAMING Edition comes with a better cooler, and it is factory overclocked.
(Currently out of stock in my country)

Gigabyte's GAMING Edition though, runs cooler for some users. It also comes with slightly faster "stock" speeds.

The Gigabyte wins underload. Will you really see a difference though ? I don't think so. If there is a difference, it'll be something like 4 frames a second, but that's all.
damn that's a good point but i just wanna be set for later on in case i do want to take it that far