GTX 970 or 780


Oct 5, 2014
Is it worth the wait to get a 970? They are mostly out of stock and the 780 is about 10 to 30 cheaper in some models. ill only be gaming in 1080p btw.

I suggest you read about the new improvements such as dynamic light support for later games called VXGA, or MFAA which reduces anti-aliasing cost.

It also supports HDMI 2.0 (for 4K monitors/HDTV's) and can decode H.265 video which uses about half the space as H.264 (has both).

The cards are quieter, use less power and can even be SILENT by turning off the fans. I recommend the MSI TwinFrozr, Gigabyte, and Asus Strix in that order. Not sure about Gigabyte fan control however (if they can be turned off) but apparently it's still fairly quiet if not.

I suggest you read about the new improvements such as dynamic light support for later games called VXGA, or MFAA which reduces anti-aliasing cost.

It also supports HDMI 2.0 (for 4K monitors/HDTV's) and can decode H.265 video which uses about half the space as H.264 (has both).

The cards are quieter, use less power and can even be SILENT by turning off the fans. I recommend the MSI TwinFrozr, Gigabyte, and Asus Strix in that order. Not sure about Gigabyte fan control however (if they can be turned off) but apparently it's still fairly quiet if not.
Wait dude. It's more bang for the buck at that price range than any card. 970 is just too good to pass up. You get all the things that photonboy already said and you would be doing yourself a disservice buying not waiting for the better card. And Gigabyte is just fine in terms of noise. Fact that they have tri-fans doesnt really mean much in terms of noise. All 3 big brands are very good. Just dont get the EVGA one.

Their Extreme, 3-fan card oddly has 2x8-pin connectors on it yet it has a 176W TDP. With overclocking you might get a little over 200W but 2x8-pin allows for up to about 375Watts of power (75W + 150W + 150W).

I can't fathom why you'd need more than a single 8-pin which means up to 225Watts of power. At MOST you should have 1x8-pin and 1x6-pin.

So far I like the MSI Twinfrozr V best.

could it possibly be for the fan? My 970`s have two 6 pin which I have heard are equal to one 8 pin.

for the dumb what does that mean, good or bad