GTX 970 or R9 390 with i5 4690k?


Oct 26, 2013
I know you guys get a lot of these threads, so I will make this one quick.
Here are my specs:
i5 4690k
GTX 660 OC
With Black Friday coming up, I would like to upgrade my GPU, however I cannot decide between the GTX 970 or the R9 390. I have heard that the 390 requires more power, which makes me a bit worried and I don't want to risk it if my PSU is not powerful enough. I have done my research and it seems as though many people are undecided between the two GPUs, so I need you guys to help me. Also, if you guys know a different card that is only a bit more expensive (£20-£30) then I am open to suggestions.

By the way, I am using a 1080p monitor and I do not intend to upgrade to 4k anytime soon. Thanks
Either GPU really depends on the purpose. What resolution do you game on? Are you persuaded AMD's DX12 benefits will make the 390 far surpass the 970 in 2016? Or do you think the margin won't be major? Does power consumption matter? What does your electricity cost? Do you pay the bill? These are important questions.

As for the power supply, you should have enough.
Thanks for the replies everyone.

I am going to be gaming at 1080p, and I don't plan to move to 4k in the near future. I really would like a future-proof card, as I do not earn that much money and this kind of purchase is a huge purchase for me. As for the electricity, I don't really care. Also, could you explain how the 390 is superior in dx12?
Thanks for your reply.

If you're looking to upgrade right now, the 8GB 290X is running about the same price as the 970 and 390, and is the better card. You should look into them, it'd be well worth your time.