GTX 970 Owners Get $30 From Settlement With Nvidia, Gigabyte, Asus, EVGA

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Tell that to those that got screwed out of a settlement due to faulty 8600M GPUs in their laptop. That was a waste of $2500 for the Toshiba I had with dual 8600M's in it. Only certain brand laptops gave the reimbursement.,7795.html
it hasn't been specified yet. but usually a basic website is set-up to submit your documentation and contact information.

they usually use a name that mentions the lawsuit (e.g.; nvidiasettlement.zyx; blahblahblah) or it's tied to the main law firms site.

be prepared to wait. i have done a few for other products and sometimes forget about it until i get a random check in the mail months later.
I'm one of the people that bought a 970 before the big brouhaha. I don't care anything about the law suit or a possible refund. I'm certainly not jumping through any hoops to get $30. If they want to send me a check without me doing anything, fine. Otherwise, I'm busy.

That's exactly what they are banking on. Congratulations, you fell for it.
The only winners in this whole thing was the lawyers! If nvidia had come clean right from the start (when they knew they were wrong) they may not have lost the trust of many loyal customers - me included.
Sorry folks but the information in this article (and elsewhere out there) is not entirely accurate. This is only a motion by the lawsuit filer (plaintiff) to have the court move forward with approving their proposed settlement. It is not a completed lawsuit with a payout settlement that Nvidia has agreed to. The court still has to approve of the proposed settlement by the plaintiff, and Nvidia's lawyers still have to either agree to the terms or make a counter offer. While it's most likely the court will approve and Nvidia will agree, it is NOT an official settlement yet. Anything stating otherwise is not accurate from a legal viewpoint.

Any numbers you see in the document are hypothetical settlements, some based on previous case rulings (hence why if you read the entire lawsuit, it references a lot of previous similar lawsuit settlements in alleged misrepresentations). There are still more motions to be filed. You will not be seeing any money soon, and this is only for US citizens since the lawsuit was filed in the US. I'm not a lawyer, but my neighbor is and he also has a 970. With that said, I'll gladly accept the $60 for my two 970s even though they never gave me any 3.5GB VRAM fits since none I play came close to even allocating 3GB VRAM at 1440p. :)

The last few sentences of the article seem to have been missed by many of the posters above me. Here they are again, with my emphasis, to hopefully clear up some confusion:
If the settlement is approved, the defendants have to notify customers by October 23. Those affected will have to submit a claim by December 21 in order to get compensation.
So, if the settlement is approved, owners must be notified by October 23 and owners have until December 21 to submit their claim.
Justice. Finally. It was about Dog gamn time. I'll make sure to get in touch with everyone I know so that they can get their additional 4GB of DDR3 / 4-8GB of DDR4 from somebody who can actually supply it, unlike nExcrement2Ya. You know, Kingston, Corsair, G-Skill, Crucial. All of them on Newegg.

No dirty practices or games, no fake advertising, no nothing. Heard that, dear company with your vomit-colored logo?

:sarcastic:The GPU physically has 4GB GDDR5 VRAM. That is not what this lawsuit is about. It's about not fully disclosing (intentionally or human error) how that VRAM is used, specifically the last .5GB, which threw off the other numbers that Nvidia referenced in the specs. Either way, Nvidia is coughing up some serious money for a lessons learned board room discussion.
How many people actually bought the card before they fixed the advertisements? My understanding was it was a very short time frame when those specs were out (possibly even leaked), so I can't imagine why this is even happening.

Did they prove intent? Apparently that's required before you can even charge someone now-a-days. /obviousjab
And that $60 will be going towards my next Nvidia GPU. Hopefully they'll be using vertical stacked memory by that time. Life is good.

I've got a batch of relabeled CPUs for sale, since you're the type that doesn't complain when they don't get what's advertised...

Doom on very high settings already chews up a lot of RAM. On Nightmare even 4GB cards aren't sufficient, regardless of how powerful (980 Ti included).

The average buyer probably won't be aware until they get a settlement notice in the mail.
What about International buyers??? Is this only for USA Citizens or some shet? Im in Europe, Finland... Europe+International customers, buyers. I want my moneyyy! wheres my money? 30 USD Bucks to me please... I have GIGABYTE GTX 970, bought in 2014. expensive!! 420€ euros.

And time marches on in GPU land, like it always does. The 970 is a two year old card now. Normal upgrades in VRAM capacities are needed every 2-3 years to keep up with the latest games (with three years really stretching things). Never mind enhancements for the next DX version.

Only two games in the past two years I'm aware of capped the 970 at beyond 3.5GB in ultra settings, and high AA at both 1080p and 1440p: GTAV and Shadow Of Mortar. And keep in mind the 970 is a 1080p card, not a 1440p card (for constant 60+ FPS in all games anyway). Regarding DOOM and Nightmare, that's 5GB+ VRAM use for very little gain in visual enhancement. Kind of like Nvidia's Hairworks.

It's the exception, not the norm in VRAM use. Many argue that excessive VRAM use is an indicator of sloppy coding anyway. But apparently some people with 970s have been able to override the option to enable Nightmare that normally would block the option in the game due to lower than required VRAM with a "+menu_advanced_AllowAllSettings 1" tag in the game launch option game setting in Steam and they are running it fine (I do not have the game and cannot validate that).

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