GTX 970 PSU (6+6 to 6+2)


Oct 3, 2014
Hi all. I installed my GTX 970 STRIX today. I got a bit caught out with the PSU cables as I went from 6+6 (on my ASUS GTX 670) to what is now a 6+2. My PSU is 1000W Enermax EGA1000EWL Galaxy 1000 from an original 3XSLI set-up). The card appears to be working fine but when I look at the LED light by the 8pin socket the LED1 appears white and LED3 is not lit at all. Is this normal? Thanks.
Not exactly. 8 pin PCI power connector is rated for 225 watts. 6 pin is rated for 150 watts. They make converters just get one that will plug into the plugs you have. You will be fine for now but I would reccoment getting it plugged in correctly esp if your going to overclock which I would if you have the strixxx...

No, a single 6pin connector is rated at 75W, The PCIe slot itself provides 75W. An 8-pin provides 150W.

6+8pin gets you 300W, Dual 8-pin gets you to 375W. And that ludicrous non-reference 7990 with is 3 8pin connectors could draw out 525W.

Now keep in mind that the standard wire size for these connectors is grossly underrated. As long as your power supply is up to snuff, they can handle a lot more current before melting down.
My guess on the LEDs would be one power good, and one for power failure. And depending on the colors or blinking there could be a lot of information in there.

I recently attempted to repair a 4850x2 it had a whole row of diagnostic LEDs, most of which were documented on their forums. (Turned out one of the GPUs had died, without its temperature report the other one wouldn't power on)