GTX 980 low fps


Apr 30, 2015
Hello I just bought a PNY XLR8 GTX 980 and it has low fps in every game, previously I had an HD 7770 that ran perfectly fine BF3 in 60-65 fps in ultra, in LoL I had 230-260 fps, Minecraft I had 250-320 fps now I got 89-100 It is really pissing me off bc Im so dissapointed, sorry if my english is bad.

My CPU is a i7-2600k 3.4 Ghz
I have 16 gb RAM
and The 980 of 4gb

I updated drivers, I disabled V-sync, activated High performance in the Control Panel and Nvidia Control panel, et cetera.
I need help please!

Yes I did, even from regedit, also I "updated" my cpu to a 3770 3.4 ghz
Cores are unparked, I also got the new Drivers for the card and it's working same as the others, idk what to do now

Intel Motherboard DLH67BL my bad

There you go... Your motherboard has a PCIe x16 which is Gen 2.0. While the GTX980 needs a Gen 3.0 slot. Your mobo is bottlenecking your gaming performance here.
If you are willing to change your mobo I have some choices here which'd go well with yourt GPU:

ASRock Z77 Extreme4 ATX LGA1155 Motherboard
Asus Maximus V Formula EATX LGA1155 Motherboard

ASRock Z77 Fatal1ty Professional ATX LGA1155 Motherboard

Oh... I like the first one, but, will I have some sort of incompatibility? I have changed my Cpu to a i7-3770, a Cooler master PSU, and this is my case:

I dont know if it will fit in there


All three of the motherbopards I suggested above are good. if you cant afford the asus then look at the other two. specially the asrok.

Why dont you get thisc case? its better. can support longer gpu.

So I've been reading that PCIe 2.0 x16 slots dont bottleneck a 3.0 card, im not really sure about this, can you get any source, more information about it?