GTX 980 or 980 ti


Jun 28, 2014
Which should I get? Originally I was going to get the 980 however, after doing more research I'm enticed to buy the 980 ti. I'm having trouble making a decision on which Graphics Card I should buy.

I'm only planning on playing in 1080p, 60FPS (might install some graphics mods for games such as Skyrim/Minecraft, as well as record gameplay). Also going to run all newly released games on ultra.

The build -
At 1920 x 1080 a GTX 970 or a 980 will max everything. A 980 Ti is more for 2560 x 1440 or higher. Either way wait a week or so and see if the rumored Nvidia price cuts are going to actually happen. Some price cuts have already happened in the UK but if rumors are true Nvidia may be going to start a little price war in the high end space and that's good for us consumers. I'm going to wait another week or so to pick up a 980 Ti for my 1440p monitor.

Rumors of price cuts:
Before you do anything... one thing you should consider: VRAM. The "Ti" version comes with 2GB more VRAM..

A few people here keep using the word "overkill"... but you should get the best you could afford. Besides, you have no idea what games will be coming out later this year that might need/require/ or be BETTER OFF with 6GB of VRAM instead of 4GB.

I say.. if you can afford the 980ti.. then you should go ahead and get it.. otherwise, a few months down the line you're going to be wondering if you should have bought it originally and might regret not getting it.

funny you you say this because this was my same argument when i asked if i should get the 980ti.
everyone said not unless i will be bumping up to 1440 or 4K resolutions?
then they said a 980ti would be a waste for my uses?
I also thought the extra 2gb of vram a good thing to have.

At 1920 x 1080 a GTX 970 or a 980 will max everything. A 980 Ti is more for 2560 x 1440 or higher. Either way wait a week or so and see if the rumored Nvidia price cuts are going to actually happen. Some price cuts have already happened in the UK but if rumors are true Nvidia may be going to start a little price war in the high end space and that's good for us consumers. I'm going to wait another week or so to pick up a 980 Ti for my 1440p monitor.

Rumors of price cuts:

Oh and you will never use more than 4GB ( mostly way less ) of VRAM at 1920 x 1080.

Get the best you can afford... I always say... besides, even at 1080p Gaming... you might come across games that need that extra VRAM... so just go ahead and get it... we both know you'll regret it if you don't in a few months.. <wink>

I do agree with you but the extra $150 over what i paid for the 980 classified held me back as well
but to the OP IF you can afford a 980ti it is the safest bet for future proofing:)
A 980 Ti is a complete waste of money for 1920 x 1080. A $700 card for a $150 monitor? No. Even a 144hz 1080p monitor doesn't really need more than a GTX 970.
Tbh the 970 would be enough for 1080p gaming and if you wanted to upgrade then you could sli. The 980 is imo not a good card for the price. It has 4 GB of VRAM compared to the 980 Ti's 6. If you want some wiggle room and "future proof" then get the 980 ti.

ok you are correct Vram is not a good comparison but I was just trying to say in simple terms that the 980 is nothing compared to the 980 Ti. I just think the 980 is in a weird position where the 970 is cheaper and only a little worse. At the top end the Ti is $150 more for a lot more performance

true but it depends on the 980 you buy and what you do with it?
my overclocked 980 is 25-30% faster than a 970 and only 9% slower than a 980ti.

what i was saying is there is not a 970(not even heavily oc'ed) that will touch a overclocked 980 or a reference 980ti.
I looked at numerous reliable bench test's(guru 3d,etc) and the 970 is a amazing card for the money
but no matter how much you oc it it will not take on those other two
plus all the 970's only really have 3.5gb usable vram and not 4gb's
google it