GTX470 OC Values


Oct 30, 2009
Been a while since I OCd my SLI 470s (and lots and lots of drivers later).

Im currently doing an 'xtreme burn in' on Kombuster for nearly 2hrs on:

825 core from 607
1650 shader (locked to core) from 1215
1674 memory from 1674 (stock)

So the temps arnt great 75deg on card 1 (bottom), and 65deg on card 2 (top), they run in series and the top card is the one with the 'fresh' water.

Is this a 'normal' set of overclocks, because they seem far to high for me? I am not stress testing correctly, 3DMark 11, Havan, Kombuster?

Quick answer appreciated =)

When you are stress testing you are putting the gpu or cpu through the most extreme usage that you probably won't see in a game or anything else for that matter and the second card will always be higher because it's getting hotter water than the first one. That is why you will see high temps A good way to see is compare them to game temps.
Inzone, thankyou for taking the time to reply, but honestly, your reply not really that helpfull. I am aware of what 'stree testing' does, and I am also aware why one card is hotter than the other.

What i am intrested in, is the actualy OC values. they seem way way to high for me