The 560Ti 1GB will be faster than the regular 560 with 2GB at that resolution. There are some reports that BF3 can use more than 1GB of RAM at that resolution, but the regular 560 isn't fast enough to run the features that use that much RAM and deliver playable framerates. I believe you really have to turn the Anti Aliasing up to go past 1GB, and at 1080p you really don't need that much AA. If you are really worried about the frame buffer you could look for a 560Ti 2GB, but there isn't much point in getting 2GB for a regular 560, even on the 560Ti BF3 and GTA IV are the only two games that would see any benefit from the extra RAM at 1080p. Metro 2033 also sees some benefit from the extra RAM, but only at 2560x1600 or higher. Under virtually all circumstances cards in the 560/560Ti performance bracket will run out of steam long before RAM becomes a problem.