GTX780 - When?

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Oct 29, 2007
I've seen articles a few months ago that show Nvidia roadmaps stating that 700 series would not be Maxwell but a Kepler refresh. With the new GTX780 being a faster Kepler coming out in Q2 2013, and Maxwell 800 series in Q1 2014.

Then AMD announces it will delay their 8000 series for 2014. Then Nvidia released the Titan.

So where does this put the 700 series? Can Nvidia release a 780 kepler in 2013 that beats the Titan in gaming, seems unlikely.

This is really bothersome to me, I waited on pulling the trigger on a 680/7970 duing the Boxing Day sales, thinking the next gen was right around the corner.. Now it seems like I'll need to wait till 2014.
Is Titan the best we'll get until Maxwell/Sea Islands?

Why are things progressing so slowly? Titan isn't an improvement in peformance/dollar. Usually every year we see a net improvement in what we can get for our money, but it seems 2013 is a bum year.
I was talking to a top tier manufacturer the other day that makes both AMD & Nvidia cards. He told me the Nvidia 700 series will be out next quarter, and will range 10-20% faster then the 600 series. AMD has nothing new in the works right now. I asked about rumors about a new AMD line for Q1 next year and so far he said he's seen nothing in the pipeline from AMD for next year. The Titan is a high-end enthusiast targeted card, for those that want the best and are willing to pay for it. It is not to compete with the 700 series.
Wth are you guys talking about? The AMD 8000 series was confirmed before the Titan release... The Titan was a last resort effort to top AMD's GPUs. Troll as much as you like, but AMD's pretty decent right now... have you even seen the latest tomb raider benchmarks? Come on now guys.

The 780 is going to be a beast of a card.

I know for GPUs it seems a little slow, but lot's of new CPUs are also around the corner, I know as a fact Intel has already started production on Ivy Bridge E (Haswell-E). It will be interesting to see the performance improvements in gaming with DDR4.

In 2014 AMD has anounced that they will be using GDDR6 on their cards.

Yeah if you actually heard that, believe it, or are just repeating that despite what common sense tells you, then both you and your source are both full of crap. AMD's roadmap was "leaked" by AMD themselves a long time ago with Sea Islands (8xxx Series), Volcanic Islands, and Pirate Islands. Saying AMD doesn't have anything in the pipeline this year or next is just ludicrous, even in a down economy and very little competition (nothing new for the past 12 years). It's too early to even be talking about products in the pipeline for next year, so of course it would make sense your "Top Tier" manufacturer wouldn't know jack.


I was looking for anything I could over about 4 hrs today and it looks like discreet 87xx is faster clocks more shaders in similar if only slightly better power envelope.

I haven't seen anything at all on the 89 series maybe it is a new architecture. I'm obviously speculating but why not?

Speculating is one thing, its when people start to quote "rumours" that they don't provide evidence of that I get annoyed.

The AMD card statement was a mistake, I mis-read. It's a confirmed delay on the cards. *Edit* AMD isn't saying that they aren't going to release cards this year either.

As for Intel, I know an engineer who works there.

As for the 780, The link I saw got removed. 🙁
So no new architectures (Maxwell or Sea Islands) in 2013, nor new fab nodes in 2013.
So how can either AMD or Nvidia release faster cards in 2013? AMD confirmed they won't. Nvidia is being quiet. But I'd be very surprised if a GTX 780 comes out next quarter that's faster and cheaper than Titan.

If no faster cards, then can we expect signifigant price drops with the current aging generation? Seems like neither companies are interested in competing, prices are relatively fixed.
I'm sad.

That might be because some sites were referring to the Titan as the GTX780 for a bit.

That is true.
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