GTX970 in februar or wait to the successor?


Apr 6, 2014

I'm planning long ago buying a new video card. What held me back, that I didn't had time to play recently, because I was working and attendind college in the same time. But that situation is ending this month, so the question is:

Should I wait a few weeks for a new video card release, or get a GTX970 now?
And when will the successor to 970 probably released?

I understand that it's a "pretty old" card, seeing how often comes a refreshed model. Also there was a seriuos step up between the 770 and 970, sadly not just in performance, but in price also.
I'm currently using a GTX650, so change is long due. I can pay for a 970, but not more, also I doesn't plan to buy a VR Headset in the next two years, but later maybe, and I plan to use this video card for 3-4 years minimum. They say that the 970 is VR Ready, and I play in 1080p, my displays also staying for 1-2 years, probably I won't go 4K if I invest in VR (also my sight isn't that great, 1080p works for me just fine)

I play games like the Witcher, Assassins Creed, Mass Effect and else. 970 sort of enough for now, but seeing features like Hairworks in Witcher3, or the shitty optimized AC:U, I can't decide what's better: buying now a 970, so I can enjoy my freedom right as it comes, or wait some uncertain time for 20-30% better performance, wich I'll only need in the future.
I know your pain, I have a GTX760 and planning to go for a GTX970 too.

Waiting for the new lineup would be the best "economic" option, but no one can tell when Nvidia will release their new models. In another forum that i do not recall people did the calculations to estimate when it would be, based on last releases and if the trend follows, it's going to be on the July or even December 2016!

So, it's up to you, keep your gaming on your GTX650 until the release or start enjoying new games now.

And one last point that i don't know if it's viable, but you could sell your GPU and use that money to buy another at the release date.

Good luck!
I know your pain, I have a GTX760 and planning to go for a GTX970 too.

Waiting for the new lineup would be the best "economic" option, but no one can tell when Nvidia will release their new models. In another forum that i do not recall people did the calculations to estimate when it would be, based on last releases and if the trend follows, it's going to be on the July or even December 2016!

So, it's up to you, keep your gaming on your GTX650 until the release or start enjoying new games now.

And one last point that i don't know if it's viable, but you could sell your GPU and use that money to buy another at the release date.

Good luck!

Yeah, it would be reasonable, to play things, I wanted to play, and the 650 can handle. There is a lot of things on my list, I could play, buuuut... I decided I get one. You are right, it can be next month, summer or late autumn as well. Also in my country it still needs a few weeks to be available, also it's always a 10-15% more expensive. So basically it's minimum a half year, or more here. I'm not waiting that much... I actually started to plan a new card with the 770, but screwed up college a bit, so I promised myself, I'm not buying it till I graduate. This Friday, here I come :bounce:

+ I found this Gigabyte Xtreme version, and as I see the benchmarks, properly overclocked, it almost can push out similar performances as a stock 980. Since I play in HD, on a TV, so Anti-aliasing is not that important, that power is perfectly enough for me.