Guess I made a costly mistake...


Apr 8, 2012
4 3TB drives costing $170 each. I decided to go with the seagate barracuda drives due to the cost of the drive rather than the brand name. Now after receiving 3/4 drives DOA from Newegg, replacing those three with functioning replicas, and now having another fail. Just thought I would put out a warning that out of the 7 drives that I have used 4 have failed in less than a month.
I guess I am creating this topic to see what my options are here. I purchased these drives from newegg and they came with a free extended warranty as well. Is there any way to simply return these without a loss due to restocking as they were bare drives? I wanted 12TB of storage in my desktop but if its with these drives even if I mirror and get a 6TB partition it probably wouldn't last more than a month...
i can see one or two dead drives. crap happens as with bulk drives where they tossed hard by the shippers. did you look to see if the ser# were next to each other?? if they were then newegg has a box of dropped drives. it does not take much shock force to kill a hard drive. if there not next to or near each other in ser# i would check to see if your power supply is working fine.
there are a lot of bad power supply vendors out there.. I would use a program like hardware monitor to see if the 12 and 5v lies are holding on your ps. you have a few laws backing you up as the buyer. first of talk to someone at new egg not a lev one csr but a manager. tell them you think you go a batch of dropped drives and would like to switch them all out for another brand. i would also send them an email and register letter to your reguest. if they stonewall you on the 30 days return.,.if you used a credit card call them or your bank and ask about a charge back. also look into you states lemon laws. most states have them that cover you. if your state has them all you need do is go to your local court house and file a small claims..there be a small fee then send the paper work to new egg.
Sorry it took so long to respond. The serials of the dead drives from the first batch were close but the one that still works was not. The one that stopped working on me has since reappeared and is reactivated and online... perhaps this one was simply due to something with thr software raid i had set up? Should i be concerned as the drive hasnt given me any problems yet since.