Guilds - Choice or nessecity?

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On 28 Jul 2005 08:20:53 -0700, "collection2002" <>

>to add what BombayMix
>nowaday people tend to be leery of high level toon without a guild
>affiliation because of ninjalooting.
>Hence, they tend to perfer doing raids with guild members.

Sorry, Ignore my last post, I get ninja.
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On Fri, 29 Jul 2005 10:02:19 +0100, Vertoobli <> scribed
into the ether:

>On 28 Jul 2005 08:20:53 -0700, "collection2002" <>
>>to add what BombayMix
>>nowaday people tend to be leery of high level toon without a guild
>>affiliation because of ninjalooting.
>>Hence, they tend to perfer doing raids with guild members.
>Sorry, I don't understand how people can "ninja" loot, if its a good
>item, don't the dice come up for everyone?

Yes, and the warrior who rolls on the bind-on-pickup cloth armor with +15
int, +8 spirit, and "Increases all spell damage by 15" over a
mage/priest/warlock is ninjalooting.
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On Fri, 29 Jul 2005 09:14:05 +0200, "Christian Stauffer"
<> scribed into the ether:

><> wrote:
>> You need 10 people to do BRD, strat, scholo.
>You may need 10 people for BRD if you let the priests tank,
>the rogues bandage and the warriors kill. Otherwise, it's
>perfectly doable with 5.

Often with less.

Hell, people have 5-manned BRS and Strath (yes, including the Baron and
Wyrmthalak...not so sure about Drakkisath though, he's a bit of a bitch).

10 in BRD? I suppose if they were all level 50 this might be required, but
otherwise how totally boring.
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On 28 Jul 2005 13:15:06 -0700, wrote:

>Vertoobli wrote:
>> Ok, I admit I've posted quite a lot today, (works a little dull).
>> I noticed a lot of people saying the higher end stuff reqs Guild raids
>> etc. Does this mean if your'e not in a Guild you'll never be able to
>> do the higher lvl stuff in game, or would it still be possible to do
>> stuff but in little groups, like maybe two people?
>You need 5 people to do DM.
>You need 10 people to do BRD, strat, scholo.
>You need 15 people to do UBRS/LBRS.
>You need 40 people to do Ox, Az, Kz, MC, BWL.
>So to do UBRS you'll need 14 other people.
>So either you can join "pick-up" raids or join a guild that does high
>level content. A lot of people find being in a guild easier since most
>guilds will pre-schedule these events and being a memeber often gives
>you priority for a spot. (You can still go on pick-up raids if you're
>in a guild though if you're needed on a guild raid and go on a pick-up
>raid instead, that could be frowned upon.)

Ok, me asking Peurile questions again?
Could I not just do the deadmines at a higher level?
I won't get xp (don't from any elites as they are all a lot lower than
me when I go for em)
The loot would still be worth it? or would it depreciate?

My other half would be useless as a guildy, she was in Eve, because
she wouldn't accept anything even like charity. If she hasn't killed
it at least part way, she doesn't want its drop. This rubs off on me,
As I play with her and don't want to outstrip her by willingly
accepting charity off of other chars.
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In article <>, says...
> left a note on my windscreen which said:
> > You need 10 people to do BRD, strat, scholo.
> > You need 15 people to do UBRS/LBRS.
> !
> Let me guess - alliance?
> ;o)

ROFLMAO! That was good. Hahah. I've never done BRD with more than 5 and
LBRS is easy even as a 5 man, and cake at 10, never even tried with more
than that. UBRS is definitely easier with 15, but I've done it many
times with 12 in a pick up group because we couldn't get more people.

Rob Berryhill
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> One of the hunters in my guild also got a piece of Giantstalker, but
> she isn't using it yet - the small upgrade in item is not worth losing
> the set bonus over.

Well I only had the beaststalker belt and bindings, the giantstalker
belt had a +1% to crit, so I keep my beaststalker belt in the bank just
in case I find more items..... :)
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"Matt Frisch" <> wrote:

> Hell, people have 5-manned BRS and Strath (yes, including the Baron and
> Wyrmthalak...not so sure about Drakkisath though, he's a bit of a bitch).

I've only been to Drakki twice, both times in pick up groups and only as
healer. But if I'd see evidence of a 5 man group who killed this ah heck,
I'd /beg them to teach me some of their superior skills. I guess it's
doable with 10 VERY good people, in a balanced team (2 tanks, 2 healers,
6 rogues/hunters/mages), but that would already be one hell of a
challenge in my eyes.


[WoW] Wildcard - Treehugging Tauren (59) on EN Sunstrider [PvP]
Lonewalker - Striding Tauren (15) on EN Sunstrider [PvP]
Jazrah - Brutal Troll (16) on EN Sunstrider [PvP]
Jivarr - Charming Troll (12) on EN Sunstrider [PvP]
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"Christian Stauffer" <> wrote:
> "Matt Frisch" <> wrote:
> > Hell, people have 5-manned BRS and Strath (yes, including the Baron and
> > Wyrmthalak...not so sure about Drakkisath though, he's a bit of a
> > bitch).
> I've only been to Drakki twice, both times in pick up groups and only as
> healer. But if I'd see evidence of a 5 man group who killed this ah heck,
> I'd /beg them to teach me some of their superior skills. I guess it's
> doable with 10 VERY good people, in a balanced team (2 tanks, 2 healers,
> 6 rogues/hunters/mages), but that would already be one hell of a
> challenge in my eyes.

I belive it would be doable in a 5man group if he hadn't got his two
minions. We always go for them first, left then right, all the time while 2
are tanking drakki and pull him away from the main force so that his area
attacks are away from clothies. When both minions are down, it's full
attack on him. Generally we seem to be managing him with 1 to 3 people dead
after he's fallen. Two times my brother was one of the death ones, playing
a crit happy Rogue that simply got smacked in the last few seconds.

The first time I engaged him I was the fourth priest in this three group
instance which meant that I was dishing out damage and not healing (as
shadow priest). I couldn't really touch his minions, 4/5th of all my spells
were simply resisted by them, so there I dropped SF and switched back to

But a 5man group with "normal" equipment doing him, I'd really like to see



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"Rene" <invalid@email.addr> wrote:

> I belive it would be doable in a 5man group if he hadn't got his two
> minions.

If one thing in those 2 runs I did impressed me, it was the hunter
(Gondolin, funny guy) who pulled Drakki out of the room (!) and came
back with him a minute later (alive, full health, and so on). No
idea whether Drakki turns around after a while or the hunter ran in
a circle to get him back in the room, but I was really impressed
seeing that.
What I want to say is, that this is IMHO the smaller problem.

> We always go for them first, left then right, all the time while 2
> are tanking drakki and pull him away from the main force so that his area
> attacks are away from clothies. When both minions are down, it's full
> attack on him. Generally we seem to be managing him with 1 to 3 people dead
> after he's fallen. Two times my brother was one of the death ones, playing
> a crit happy Rogue that simply got smacked in the last few seconds.

In those 2 15man raids we had 3-4 deaths each time. As soon as Drakki
comes back, his AoE damage output is just .... HUGE. I had to use both
innervate and combat res both times (ok, the latter maybe wasn't that
But as I said, I've never been there with a good and experienced (with
each other member) group.


[WoW] Wildcard - Treehugging Tauren (59) on EN Sunstrider [PvP]
Lonewalker - Striding Tauren (15) on EN Sunstrider [PvP]
Jazrah - Brutal Troll (16) on EN Sunstrider [PvP]
Jivarr - Charming Troll (12) on EN Sunstrider [PvP]
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On Fri, 29 Jul 2005 10:28:47 +0100, Vertoobli <> wrote:

>Could I not just do the deadmines at a higher level?

Sure you could, but <see below>...

>I won't get xp (don't from any elites as they are all a lot lower than
>me when I go for em)
>The loot would still be worth it? or would it depreciate?

No, it would not be worth it - or at least it _should_ not be worth
it... If it were you must be amongst the worst equipped guys on your
server. Not a happy goal :)

Of course, this does not apply if you are farming for linen/wool or
stuff to disenchant, but that was not your goal as far as I undestood.

>My other half would be useless as a guildy, she was in Eve, because
>she wouldn't accept anything even like charity. If she hasn't killed
>it at least part way, she doesn't want its drop. This rubs off on me,
>As I play with her and don't want to outstrip her by willingly
>accepting charity off of other chars.

And how on earth did you get the idea that being in a guild was equal
to getting showered by charity? 😀

I joined a guild so that I could get into high level instances on a
more regular basis - gathering 15 man for a pickup UBRS run is neither
easy nor fast, being in a guild makes it so much easier - moreso when
you know that you will be going with competent people and thus only
need 10-12 people for a Drakkisath kill.
But, even though I was with 10-14 others, I can say with great
confidence: I did my part in that kill and if I get a piece of the
loot it will by no means be charity.

My guild also has a guild vault (actually a mule named "Vault" :), and
if there is something in the vault that I need, then I will most
likely get it for free. However, I have gone on several runs with my
guild that I got no loot from (thats the way the drops goes
sometimes), and has helped other guildies get their gear. So, even if
I get stuff from the vault for free, it is only because I have earned

Simon Nejmann
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Mel wrote:
> chaman
Mes hommages, mademoiselle.

> Mlle. Mage on Kirin Tor


Nice to see French people around here!

Esa, Priest on Sunstrider
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Babe Bridou a écrit :
> Mel wrote:
> ^^^^^^^^
> Mes hommages, mademoiselle.
>>Mlle. Mage on Kirin Tor
> /curtsey
> Nice to see French people around here!
> Esa, Priest on Sunstrider

oups.... I edited out all my Guildes but forgot this one!
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Christian Stauffer a écrit :
> "Rene" <invalid@email.addr> wrote:
>> I belive it would be doable in a 5man group if he hadn't got his two
>> minions.
> If one thing in those 2 runs I did impressed me, it was the hunter
> (Gondolin, funny guy) who pulled Drakki out of the room (!) and came
> back with him a minute later (alive, full health, and so on). No
> idea whether Drakki turns around after a while or the hunter ran in
> a circle to get him back in the room, but I was really impressed
> seeing that.
> What I want to say is, that this is IMHO the smaller problem.
>> We always go for them first, left then right, all the time while 2
>> are tanking drakki and pull him away from the main force so that his area
>> attacks are away from clothies. When both minions are down, it's full
>> attack on him. Generally we seem to be managing him with 1 to 3 people
>> dead
>> after he's fallen. Two times my brother was one of the death ones,
>> playing
>> a crit happy Rogue that simply got smacked in the last few seconds.
> In those 2 15man raids we had 3-4 deaths each time. As soon as Drakki
> comes back, his AoE damage output is just .... HUGE. I had to use both
> innervate and combat res both times (ok, the latter maybe wasn't that
> necessary).
> But as I said, I've never been there with a good and experienced (with
> each other member) group.
> Chris

Killed Drakki in a pick up raid last weekend, 14 with 1 priest and lots
of shaman and one very good hunter and one very good warrior (not spec
defense though)... funnily enough, it was the priest that kept dying all
night...the shamans were kept busy!

Anyway, Drakki died with only one death on our side, the hunters "walk
the dog" technique was very good.

I think we could have pretty easily downed him with only 10 of us, I
noticed a couple of slackers in the raid...

For Drakki, I stood behind him so avoided all his AOE whilst still
having the most damage..

Mage, Kirin Tor