Guns and the Civil Rights Movement

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An excellent interview courtesy NPR with Charles E. Cobb and the untold story of firearms used by southern blacks before and during the Civil Rights movement.

Mr. Cobb succinctly sums up the liberal narrative and revisionist history of the civil rights movement...
...the way the public understands the civil rights movement can be boiled down to one sentence. Rosa sat down, Martin stood up, then the white folks saw the light and saved the day.
But the reality was that civil rights in America were hard fought and earned through the blood and tears of the persecuted
After the Civil War, guns were – you had all these black soldiers who had fought in the Union Army coming back home with weapons. So states, particularly in what’s called the first reconstruction, attempted to disarm blacks, and that was not all that successful. You see, if we were really doing a deep look at this period, say, between the end of the Civil War and the start of World War I, you’d see instance after instance of blacks in the rural South fending off the Ku Klux Klan and others with weapons.
From the interview, it is easy to understand how firearms played a central role in securing the safety of southern black families from white supremacists, bigotry, and persecution. I would also argue that, without firearms and the constitutional right to self defense, the civil rights movement would have turned out very different.
Very interesting reading material. Thanks.

It is interesting reading and it's nice to see how times have changed so much from that day, not saying that old prejudices are completely gone as sometimes they rear their ugly heads, but that the volume of people that would tolerate that type of attitude toward others, are much smaller than back then.

Even though guns were an important element back then affecting the historical changes in civil rights, I marvel at the changes in mental attitude of acceptability.

IMO it's all about what a person is brought up being taught is the norm, and the attitudes they see progressing daily, as they carry that accepted behavior into adulthood.

So if it's prejudices they carry that, unless they rebel against the parental ways and take their own path and standing, which is usually the exact opposite of what they learned as children.

The gun point has been a choice, or deemed necessity, way before any civil rights movement ever started!

It is amazing that today it is still necessary to defend ones right to use a gun to defend ones home and family.

Has it been abused? Yes!

Has it saved homes and families? Yes!

And Life goes on! :)

Sure ... normalise your obsession with guns and liberty by dragging in "Negroes with Guns" to put some kind of inclusive (look mum we are not racist) spin on what is a malignant cancer destroying your society.

Hey most of us can read too ... some of us have aboriginal grandparents.

I heard stories why people armed themselves ... to protect themselves from the likes of you racist whites ... the "good people".

Your culture's obsession with guns has resulted in the highest crime rates for a western society, and the highest fatalities for shootings - mass killings are a weekly occurrence on our news from the States and its sickening.

Enjoy oiling and polishing your guns.

By the time Black Civil rights had come along there was no other way ... the whites had already filled the country with guns.

Bet you can't wait for someone to try to break in so you can shoot them guys.

Thankfully I am on the other side of the planet ... but keep polishing that turd ... it might just "shine" for some dumb fool.



What a wonderful attitude, a fine representation of the moderation team! :pfff:

Ryan, I often have difficulty reading your posts too. 😉
Raynod, I will pay for my sins to God and my fellow man. You don’t have any.
I heard a few NPR segments lately. It is a complex issue.

Dude! You are so way off friggin's base with your approach and attitude. It one fell swoop, you managed to minimize the struggle of people who fought repression, oppression, and bigotry and completely demonstrated a fundamental ignorance of American history. Your reply is an absolute failure.

In Australia, you don't go around shooting each other because your government does not trust you as a sovereign individual to be responsible with firearms. In Australia, you allowed your government to undermine your natural rights to be safe and secure in your person. And you claim civility?! Oh puhleez!

Out of nowhere?! I thought that was the purpose and intent of this specific forum, to post articles and info that the members find interesting.

I thought it was interesting and enlightening! The NPR interview with Mr. Cobb completely contradicts the narrative taught to me throughout middle and high school. I was taught in school that the only reason the civil rights movement progressed is due to white folks championing the cause to "save minorities". From that interview, it's apparent that southern black folks had a far larger role in securing their civil rights than what is to be believed. The fact that they used firearms to fend off bigotry is a HUGE realization of the American ideal that each citizen is a sovereign individual with the natural born right to be safe and secure in their home and person. And, realizing the rights of the individual citizen was part and parcel to the civil rights movement.
Honestly it sounds like more right wing ideology. Has anyone on this sub ever had an issue with a black person owning a gun? Maybe because my education in the civil rights movement came post 1995 we were never really taught that the only reason the civil rights movement progressed is due to white folks championing the cause to "save minorities."

If this was an interesting FYI you just thought was worth sharing why accuse liberals of revisionist history? You just make it sound like it was gun ownership and not the non-violence movement or cooperation between the races, or speech making that propelled the civil rights movement. That was definitely a part but to highlight that particular aspect seems like just more partisan posting.
There are other minorities that suffered persecution other than the Blacks in history also. The JEWS!


Great article thanks.

Weird. I'm around gun owners all the time including family members, friends and co-workers and they haven't shot anyone yet. I guess your full of ----.

PS. Don't listen to everything your media tells you, it makes you ignorant of reality.
Well it depends on your school of thought. I was brought up on the idea that Martin Luther King's civil rights movement was successful in America because of the adoption of Ghandian ideals of non-violent protest, with the reason being that an uprising are easy to denounce if the protestors are violent to the government/police.

Rather than fighting the state, mass civil disobidence that results in having the government resort to deadly force to remove a peaceful demonstration means that the government can be seen in the wrong rather than a tit for tat approach.

Whilst it is entirely possible to win with an uprising in sheer force, the most iconic civil rights movements have been those that have been *mostly* non-violent like in India (Ghandi), USA (Martin Luther King Jr.), South Africa (Nelson Mandela) and Australia (Charles Perkins).

That's probably what Reynod means.

Quite frankly I couldn't care less about American gun culture. I just don't want to see a continuation of relaxing gun control laws in Australia. Say what you will, but Australians as a majority (like most of the world) are opposed to American style gun 'laws'.

I think this pretty much sums it up Ry.


I was referring to the Indigenous ... not psychopaths.

You have a Port Arthur massacre every week not one every 10 years ... and as for gun related killings ... well there is just blood and guts all over the place every minute of the day there ... plenty of kids shooting each other ... gangs ... its basically a war zone.

Here when you get pulled over by the police you get out of the car and approach the officer to discuss this issue ... there you keep your hands on the wheel and hope he doesn't shoot you ... because he is so scared the driver is going to shoot him.

Nice place.


I don't need to accuse the liberals of revisionist history as Mr. Cobb did it quite well himself in the NPR interview. And, highlighting gun rights and the role self protection played in progressing the civil rights movement forward was the specific point Mr. Cobb made.

Please note that I was educated on the civil rights movement circa 1977-78 and in the very liberal State of New Jersey where years earlier some of my teachers participated in the March on Washington, protested the Vietnam War, and lived the hippy lifestyle. Albeit they were in their mid-to-late 40's, those days of protest and "fighting the man" were still very fresh in their minds. They believed, in very much the mindset typical of the "peace and free love" generation, that without their involvement, the civil rights acts of 1964 and 1968 never would have passed.

If that is not how you were taught with your post 1995 education, then I am glad to know that educational "brainwashing" may not be as prevalent as it was when I was younger.

Hahahahahaha! War zone! Hahahahahaha! Hope the cop doesn't shoot you! Hahahahaha!



LOL. This is why morons from other countries should just stick to their own politics because you clearly don't know what you're talking about. But enjoy the propaganda that is being spewed to you by Herald-Sun.

Please enlight us and tell us why he's wrong.
Shows arguments rather than gratuitous insults.

I know that the preferred response of the guy who is back to the wall is the insult by claiming that the other is ignorant and does not know what he's talking about, but as it is not documented and demonstrate you're talking shit .

(fruitless discussion...)

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