Gygabite GTX 1060 Gaming G1 or Windforce OC


Jul 20, 2016
This is my build:

My local store has two types of GTX 1060 in stock at a slight price difference.
Gygabite GTX 1060 Gaming G1 at 370$
Gigabyte GTX 1060 Windforce OC at 340$

From what I know, Gigabyte tests all their GPUs and picks the best ones of all.
Do you think it's worth paying the extra 30$ for the Gaming G1?

None, I am from Romania. I was planning to order some parts from Amazon UK, hence the prices from pcpartpicker are in £.
I converted the GPU prices from my local currency to $ for the convenience of this site's users.

Thanks for the reply! :)
What do you think about the Gainward version (330$ at my local store) of the GTX 1060 ? I've read that it's the worst version of all.

I've chosen to go with the G1 version. Just bought it!
Thanks for helping!


Is there a big difference between the fps because im a big gamer and i bought the non gaming one on accident and i might return it so i could get the gaming should i or should i dont