[citation][nom]lockhrt999[/nom]Hackers suck!. Some of you guys seem to praise them. Sneaking in strangers bedroom or stealing food from their kitchen must be considered as good manners in your side of the world. Well you don't know how it's like to be getting hacked into. 99% of times hackers hack just to annoy the domain owner and to set the prominence in their community. Nobody bothers to check the damages suffered by the victim.Few of my websites got hacked few days back. Getting them back online was a tiresome job. I researched on the hacker and found he hacks thousands of website everyday without any purpose.[/citation]
there is such a thing as a grey area, not releasing the info in full is a good thing, releasing enough to verify its true also is, and if he tells how he did it, it can be patched.
getting hacked into and a website is only tiresome if you don't have a plan for when it happens. fix the vulnerabilities and it doesn't happen any more.
[citation][nom]datawrecker[/nom]Not to mention the the CVV codes...I can make out the last four of a card number, card type, lastname, birthdate, cvv, and expiration date of one person here. Please remove the image.[/citation]
anyone in the us who gets creditcards stolen and used is not liable for any purchases, and at most its an incontinence, most first world countries base many laws on the us, so most likely they are protected to. having had credit card numbers compromised in the past, i know what im talking about.
[citation][nom]CDdude55[/nom]I like how they blocked out a portion of the email address and card numbers (poorly i might add) yet their full names and home addresses are posted out in the open. lol[/citation]
if its for proof that they have the info, than they need to show alot of the info... it gets taken seriously faster this way.
[citation][nom]otacon72[/nom]There are very very few hackers out there and this individual is not one of them. "Hacking" has been perverted into something that it never was years and years ago. The rush of gaining access to a system just to prove you could do it is what hacking was all about NOT what is going on now a days. Using software tools and simple techniques (SQL injection anyone) to gain access to a system is not hacking...just a simple script kiddie desperate for attention. These people, Anon for one, aren't doing the public a service they perverted the term hacking into something it never was. Stealing data and posting it online is not hacking. It's people thinking they are big players when in fact they are not. I can teach my 12yo nephew how to do a DDoS attack..lmao.[/citation]
hacking is about compromising a system.
they did that
some places wont move till you have proof you did it
he provided it
what will most likely happen is a new credit card to everyone on the list that was compromised, and if the card is used, you are not liable.
[citation][nom]freggo[/nom]The fact that my calling Hackers what they are, Criminals resulted in 2 thumbs down.Intersting, so at least 3 members her thing that what this idiot did is not criminal ?This in itself shows where part of the problem with Hackers is; there are simply too many people out there who think that Hackers who steal Databases are 'Heroes' or something.They are not!And once they break into YOUR computer and publish all that 'very personal stuff' YOU have on there to the world; then we will see who is calling the police bercause a 'crime' has been commited.It just boggles my mind.[/citation]
its a grey area. there are people out there who could really screw your life up with very little infromation... mostly because of social security numbers... hate them because they are used now in ways never intended when they were first issued.
most hackers do this for fun, never go public.
some do it for fun, go public with a how to guide, things get fixed that way.
and it leave less vulnerabilities for the truly malicious to deal with.
i love security measures getting compromised, because it means better ones will be up soon.
but the way you say it, getting into the database is horrible.
i think of it the same way as you just came across a dead body
getting the info, that would be the same as taking a picture,
going any further... well the description i would give would get me a sanction... just realize it would be a real crime.