epic! every console game should be REQUIRED to wear this!
[citation][nom]justsomerandomjoe[/nom]You're mixing the shock collar with a bark collar; a bark collar is automatic and sound-activated, whenever the dog barks it emits an odor which is very unpleasant for dogs (e.g., bitter apple or bitter orange), and over the time, it teaches the dog not to be too noisy when left alone. A shock collar is a remote-controlled, manually operated device used by professional trainers as a last resort for the obedience training of problem dogs who would otherwise be put down. Shock collars, sadly, are also used by morons who just don't know any better, and the result is often a permanently crippled or severely physically/mentally damaged dog. If it was up to me, these torture devices would be made illegal for non-professional use.[/citation]
i trained dogs as a kid, shock collars have settings, you adjust the settings for the size of the dog and also don't buy one with a 9v/12v system for a tiny dog as it would kill it or leave the dogs as you described.
kind of like fitting a battery for the device you are using, you wouldn't hook up a car battery for your pen or key chain light.
the owners manual always says you should test the device on yourself before placing it on the animals.
the high volatage ones are desgined for bigger dogs that like to bite passersby on the side walks and roads and the dogs who like to chase cars and it works maginificently as they give audible warnings before they activate allowing animals to learn they are doing something wrong. the high end models even have a remote for when you take your dog/animal (horse, pig, other{you laugh but i see it enough to mention it}) to the park or out on a jog or what not.
just don't carry the remote in your pocket other things like keys can press up on the remote buttons can trigger the collar to shock for no reason as i first found out on a bike ride with my dog 🙁