[SOLVED] HAF X top filter removal for cleaning.


Jan 7, 2008
How the heck am I supposed to remove the filters. There are bendable tabs but bending them up still does not allow me to remove the filter.They are so clogged with dust that the airflow to the 360 RAD is really poor. And i am trying to clean out the case while I am doing a water loop rebuild to add a 2080 hydro copper card to the loop


Jan 7, 2008
Hmmm. Well, that is not the answer after all. I m talking about the filters IN the top panel. They seem to be integrated with no way of removing them to be cleaned like I was able to do with the side panel and front panel ones. But thank you anyway
You remove the top panel, and then blow it out with compressed air. If you don't have, or have access to an air compressor, you can buy those cans of compressed air which will do a fairly decent job. To be honest, I'd just remove the filter and toss it, assuming you are not mistakenly trying to use any fans or radiator in the top as INTAKE, since top panel fans should never BE intake fans, and there is absolutely zero need for a filter on an exhaust fan.