How To 

Hanamura Map Strategy Guide

This map is an assault game mode map, with two objectives that the attacking force will need to capture in order to achieve victory.

Objective A)The Shrine
The first objective to take is located within a shrine that really only has one large gate that you will need to push through to get to the objective, because of this, most defensive teams will set up to defend the gate rather than setting up on the objective itself. If you are on the offensive, you can use this to your advantage by picking a hero who can get to places others can't, such as a wall runner like genji or hanzo, or Reaper who can teleport, and you can effectively get behind their entire team and possibly take the objective, or at least provide enough of a distraction for the defensive team to turn around to meet you, turning their backs on the rest of your team if done correctly. If you are on the defensive here, then be aware of different avenues of approach that heroes like that will use and try to keep an eye on them rather than just focusing on the large gateway.


Objective B) The Temple
If the first objective is taken then the battle will move on to inside the temple itself. This objective has a long hallway that can be dangerous to traverse, but you can duck off to the right hand side pretty soon down the hallway to approach the objective without running down that straight open death trap. Generally, a defensive team is going to be watching this hallway with a Bastion or Torbjorn turret set up, or may have a Widowmaker set up to snipe down it as well at anyone who peeks their heads in. Keep that in mind before you try to enter, and let tanks go first. If you are on the defensive here, it may be tempting to set up to watch that hallway pretty closely, but that can be dangerous as that hallway isn't the only way in. Stay on the ledge behind the objective, or right on the objective itself, depending on the range preference of your hero. This will prevent anyone from sneaking up behind you, and keep a close eye on that objective.
