News Hands-on with Google Stadia: Streaming Doom Eternal

You do not mention Latency (i.e. ping time). For example, Gamers tend to prefer e.g. higher-res mice, because that (supposedly) reduces the time between moving the mouse, and a reaction happening in the game. Presumably now the mouse movement will have to be sent up to the game server, which will then send a response down (many milliseconds, I expect). What was the ping to the Google game server ? Did that make the game feel "laggy" ?
Stay away from streaming games Until everybody in the entire world is on fiber right to their house and the backbone can handle it. Currently These will be plagued by latency issues.

Game streaming also sucks because you don’t own the games And forever paying for content
If you buy a game on Steam/Epic/Uplay/Origin and most other platforms, you wont "own" it either. if that companies closes down, you will lose your library.

One of the few exceptions is, where you can download the full game and play it without any launcher or DRM.