[citation][nom]joytech22[/nom]Uhh I'm part of this BETA, and isn't there a gigantic NDA?[/citation]
NDA got lifted earlier today
[citation][nom]bebangs[/nom]no offline single player game?[/citation]
No, it's a Mechwarrior MMO. If you're confused about what happened to "Mechwarrior: Reboot" look up one of Russ Bullock's interviews on youtube, he's the president of Piranah Games
[citation][nom]Dingo07[/nom]I have 2 Steel Battalion setups with original xboxes, and I have to disagree entirely with this Catherine. It's The Best Mech simulation Ever Created. The controller is what makes it real.[/citation]
Controllers aren't everything, they're just a method of input. The gameplay and overall experience is what should matter.
[citation][nom]sublime2k[/nom]I'm in the beta and I was looking forward to this game until I realized how it's blatantly pay to win.[/citation]
Obvious troll is obvious. You're a moron, this isn't pay to win. It's pay for convenience, just like League of Legends is. You can grind out champions, or you can shell out a few bucks to buy one. Just because an Atlas costs more doesn't make it better. I pilot a Jenner almost exclusively, make more money than piloting an atlas (repairs are cheaper), and often place in the top 3 in damage done consistently.
If you think this game is pay to win, I'd love to hear your opinion on World of Tanks which is a game that is much more indicative of a pay to win model than MWO or LoL is.