Hands On With Windows 10 Technical Preview 9860

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There was a minor windows update patch, that possibly addressed keyboard input. I'm physically testing on a SP3 and HP Elitebook, no issues so far.
It would be nice if MS would make the updates a smaller size. The hard drive i'm using is almost full which means i'll have to move some files around or i'll just have to delete the virtual installation and then download the new one. =\ The updates sound promising though :) Not sure how i like the enlarged start menu though.
The first thing I asked for on the feedback page was to change All Apps back to All Programs in the Start Menu and put an All Apps subfolder inside the All Programs folder for the Metro Apps. I don't want to see the crippled tablet/phone apps listed with the full featured desktop program causing multiple versions to show up together or giving a priority for the crippled mouse and keyboard unfriendly Metro Apps. Business and productivity programs should be a priority on a desktop computer.

The second thing I asked for is for the Metro Apps, that are always meant to be free, to be available without logging in to a Microsoft account. This would allow Metro Apps such as Solitaire and Hearts to be available to a Local Account since everyone is limited to a maximum of 5 devices. After 5 devices you are forced to create a new Microsoft account to be able to login and use the free games that used to be included in the OS.

The third thing was to be able to pin a Weather and Calendar widget or at least be able to pin Metro Apps to the desktop where we can always see the updates instead of the Start menu that we don't frequently check.

I also asked for a more mature and modern look, like when we had the Aero Interface, and not the look of simple shapes that reminded me of the early 90's. I never liked the changes to the look of Office 2013 and hope we get a more advanced looking GUI. I want my graphics card on my desktop to outshine the look and feel of any tablet or phone OS.

Now I will ask for an expanding/contracting Start Menu rather than a fixed wide or short Metro App container because I don't like the super wide look of the Start Menu that reminds me of the restrictions on windows 8.

Agree, all these need changed, as well as the option to uninstall IE without manually doing so. Paint for sure should be updated, one of the most exciting features of a new Windows is new Paint which Win 8 failed to bring,
Personally, I've never had an issue with the Live Tiles; I just felt that integrating them into the start menu is a much better option. I haven't had a chance to try it out myself, but the new start menu looks great.

As for the concern about its width; I believe you are able to resize it as will, since it is just another window.
Why do people want a slight change to paint when we can ask Microsoft to update Microsoft PhotoDraw 2000V2 to work with Windows 10 and make it the default paint program since they abandoned the product? I loved the ease of use of PhotoDraw 2000 V2 and miss it every time I want a quick photo edit. It had everything I needed for everyday document use and it made me hate the complexity of Adobe Photoshop when a simpler interface was possible.
I know I can run PhotoDraw 2000 V2 in Windows 8.1 by using the Windows XP SP3 compatibility mode but wished the product was updated to avoid using compatibility mode. People who have never used PhotoDraw 2000 will never know what they are missing. It was a program that was very easy to use and only required a quick built-in tutorial to show you that everything was an object that you could right-click to change parameters. It just didn't have all the advanced features of Photoshop but I don't always require that level of perfection. Never needed a manual to learn how to use PhotoDraw or to refresh my memory because it was that easy to use and very familiar to the way most Window programs work.
"live tiles" in shape or form are a NO-NO for me.
Microsoft should learn from their mistakes from Windows 8,
apparently they are still trying to shove Windows 8 down our throats.

It's a No-Buy from me.

Now that is interesting, I was giving feedback about having 2 ways to view all programs (like an alternate shortcut).. the start menu and start screen .. since both work well in different scenarios.

For widgets ... they needed to die .. huge resource hogs and they couldn't run on-top (yeah I wanted to run 8 at once too). I think the docked apps will probably do better (or my vision, a 2nd monitor for 4+ apps docked .. for weather, live tv, ticket tracking, etc..).

Yeah I keep the start menu app list short, with only pin 8 apps (2 big, 4 medium, 2 small). In reality the (upcoming) tablet view is better (or my idea with a 2nd monitor just for docked apps).

No apps on the start screen is an option, just icons/shortcuts to programs.

For choosing between "apple's screen of icons" vs live tiles... you can get the same results but shrinking all live tiles to small with no animation. With the touch experience, it's so much more enjoyable... desktop experience, you can still choose your preference .. links, shortcuts, apps, desktop icons, start menu icons or livetiles, or (my preference) just type the name of the program in the run box.

I'm the same way with paintshop pro (or whatever it's called now).
The second thing I asked for is for the Metro Apps, that are always meant to be free, to be available without logging in to a Microsoft account. This would allow Metro Apps such as Solitaire and Hearts to be available to a Local Account since everyone is limited to a maximum of 5 devices. After 5 devices you are forced to create a new Microsoft account to be able to login and use the free games that used to be included in the OS.
5 devices? Why the limitation? Personally, in my home and for relatives I have an account on all their computers as an admin. 12 computers at last count. So, what is the reasoning behind this?
Did you ever heard of Paint.net? It is the abandoned replacement for windows paint that got released and improved by one of its authors:

Paint.NET - Free Software for Digital Photo Editing
The start menu with tiles on my 27" monitor is so big that I can see it from the far end of the house. Not really what you want in a start menu. It's too big. What Microsoft have created is a start screen attached to a hybrid start menu that has half the functionality of the Windows 7 start menu. Not the way to go.

I struggled to find 7 changes let alone 7000. Maybe they were spelling mistakes in the code comments?

Microsoft is still trying to push Windows 8, just tring to hude it behind a start menu and a OS that boots to desktop. Things are still way over sized, flat and ugly. Might look ok on a 7 inch tablet, but most desktop users are running much bigger screens, and possibly more than one monitor. All our PCs here have dual monitors.

When demonstrating the new OS to my sons - all so far are unanimous - "We wont be changing from Windows 7. This still looks like Windows 8"

The notifications window was also huge. I wish Microsoft would make things sized to suit the environment in use. One size should no fit all.

Since Vista explorer has been systematically gutted until now it is all but a functionless shell. File Explorer - no thanks.

Microsoft pushed out this update in only a few weeks, so I guess there are plenty more opportunities for more updates. I shall continue to test and monitor. Hopefully, things will improve. They have a long way to go, IMHO before Windows 10 becomes a worthwhile upgrade.

They really haven't distanced themselves from Windows 8 at all.

Time will tell
The start menu with tiles on my 27" monitor is so big that I can see it from the far end of the house. Not really what you want in a start menu. It's too big. What Microsoft have created is a start screen attached to a hybrid start menu that has half the functionality of the Windows 7 start menu. Not the way to go.

I struggled to find 7 changes let alone 7000. Maybe they were spelling mistakes in the code comments?

Microsoft is still trying to push Windows 8, just tring to hude it behind a start menu and a OS that boots to desktop. Things are still way over sized, flat and ugly. Might look ok on a 7 inch tablet, but most desktop users are running much bigger screens, and possibly more than one monitor. All our PCs here have dual monitors.

When demonstrating the new OS to my sons - all so far are unanimous - "We wont be changing from Windows 7. This still looks like Windows 8"

The notifications window was also huge. I wish Microsoft would make things sized to suit the environment in use. One size should no fit all.

Since Vista explorer has been systematically gutted until now it is all but a functionless shell. File Explorer - no thanks.

Microsoft pushed out this update in only a few weeks, so I guess there are plenty more opportunities for more updates. I shall continue to test and monitor. Hopefully, things will improve. They have a long way to go, IMHO before Windows 10 becomes a worthwhile upgrade.

They really haven't distanced themselves from Windows 8 at all.

Time will tell
i just want to see how the mobile windows 10 will work, i would love to get off Andriod and move to windows for a cell OS.. not going Apple.
I think a arrow tool adjustment like to drag to set size of the start window would be cool, maybe have the start window divided so the metro part can be resized apart from the file view part, as well as being able to resize icons like this would not be that hard in programming. just an idea Microsoft but forgot to mention it is build forums.
Put SSD on windows 8.1, give it to your children to play games. what's not to like? Pinning frequent software (office, paint, snipping tools, etc) at start screen requires the same amount of click to activate them as pinning it on start menu in Windows 7. The only thing misguiding you and makes your decision biased is only the very-short-moment screen change from desktop to start screen, thus tricking your mind that it seems to take longer; use SSD, duh. PC and OS is just a tool, we control our brain, mind and perception. What's more? the ability to search for software installed by typing in start menu? you can do it in start screen also. What else? hidden feature? try right clicking your start button and see what options it's got, in 8.1 when you right click the button it got so many shortcut that makes your life easier; task manager, anyone? It's was bad at launch I admit (windows 8), but 8.1 is awesome, use your insight, don't mind the looks of it. I'm talking about the speed, man, the speed! How notably faster 8.1 is compared to 7, with or without SSD. Compatibility issues? pfft you live in old age windows 8 dude, 8.1 for general user doesn't have compatibility issue, if it does have issue with specific software it will setting the compatibility automatically. I do hate the looks of start screen (as the solely reason that makes most of you hate this windows version), but the speed and efficiency if the OS makes me doesn't even pay attention to the ugly looks. It was like I was using a toyota with windows 7, but now I'm riding a lamborghini with 8!
That's my pure honest opinion and review of 8.1 ( not 8, that thing is a crap). If you still loathe windows 8, try 8.1, period.
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