Put SSD on windows 8.1, give it to your children to play games. what's not to like? Pinning frequent software (office, paint, snipping tools, etc) at start screen requires the same amount of click to activate them as pinning it on start menu in Windows 7. The only thing misguiding you and makes your decision biased is only the very-short-moment screen change from desktop to start screen, thus tricking your mind that it seems to take longer; use SSD, duh. PC and OS is just a tool, we control our brain, mind and perception. What's more? the ability to search for software installed by typing in start menu? you can do it in start screen also. What else? hidden feature? try right clicking your start button and see what options it's got, in 8.1 when you right click the button it got so many shortcut that makes your life easier; task manager, anyone? It's was bad at launch I admit (windows 8), but 8.1 is awesome, use your insight, don't mind the looks of it. I'm talking about the speed, man, the speed! How notably faster 8.1 is compared to 7, with or without SSD. Compatibility issues? pfft you live in old age windows 8 dude, 8.1 for general user doesn't have compatibility issue, if it does have issue with specific software it will setting the compatibility automatically. I do hate the looks of start screen (as the solely reason that makes most of you hate this windows version), but the speed and efficiency if the OS makes me doesn't even pay attention to the ugly looks. It was like I was using a toyota with windows 7, but now I'm riding a lamborghini with 8!
That's my pure honest opinion and review of 8.1 ( not 8, that thing is a crap). If you still loathe windows 8, try 8.1, period.