Hard disk drive recovery mystery, any help GREATLY appreciated


Dec 9, 2011
Hi all,

So i have been holding on to this hard drive for close to 4 years now in hopes of recovering the data, however it is a mystery and i'm not sure if it's the PCB, drive assembly, or the platters. It spins fine on clicks of death or anything and windows detects it, but windows reads it as RAW, correct size though, and r-studio gets filled with cyclic redundancy checks, And the part that REALLY confuses me is that SpinRite fails with it with an error about failing to verify its ability to safely read and write due to a hardware or firmware issue.

The r-studio problem and windows makes me think that it is not the PCB then spinrite does its error and then i think it is the PCB, does anybody know? or could possibly guide me, i have a donor drive for a hard drive transplant as a last resort im just trying this one last thing before i do it.

Thanks for the help!

I dont want to use professional services because 1. i dont have the money for it and 2. i dont trust my data with a third party, again thanks for any help!