Hard disk dying


Mar 18, 2014
I have an old Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 9 hard disk (60GB; ATA/133; 6Y060L0 / YAR41BW0) which I just tried plugging in to my computer. Unfortunately, I found that while it spins up, it makes a high pitched noise and clicks for a while, as if it was trying to align the head and failing (I know nothing about hard disks, so this may be nonsense), and won't register on the computer.

Video of what happens here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZIPg3Vc2k8

Has anyone here experienced anything similar/can anyone offer any views on how likely this is to be a PCB issue (ie fairly cheap to fix)? I'd be grateful for any thoughts!
I was just working on one of these older Maxtors today, it was a 6Y0120L0. Same symptoms. Spins clicks, no access.

I set the jumper setting to SAFE mode, uploaded loader for it, and the drive became accessible for data extraction. I will try to upload a video tomorrow. Hopefully your heads are not dead. Any place that has PC3000 and knows how to use it should be able to trouble shoot.
Watched your video, and I think I grinded my teeth down a bit. Thanks for the dental work! E-50 you are right about PC3000, however the platter might be scratched. There are quite a few different sounds going on there.

The beep I'm not so much worried about, but the grinding/scraping noise is probably not going to have a favorable outcome.
I wouldn't put power to the drive any longer, or ever again especially since you have the video.

We have PC3000 and if you want, I'll give you a free diagnostics on this drive, all you have to do is pay for shipping both ways.

Follow the directions here: http://www.sertdatarecovery.com/package-ship-storage-media and mention this thread
Thanks, E-50 - I didn't even know bits of the HD could be 'updated'.

Very generous offer (and thanks for the advice). Unfortunately, I'm located in the UK, so I suspect that shipping wouldn't be cheap either in terms of financial cost or time, and I'm not sure that the content is worth it - but such information as the two of you have given me at least might help me find someone in the UK who can take a look at it...

Thank you again!