hard drive blinking red, HELP!


Mar 27, 2016
My led`s weren`t showing signs of activity so I decided to re seat them because I found out I put them the wrong way some how. Anyway when I boot the pc, the power led works and so does the hdd, sort of... It is flashing red but there is no pattern of flashes. I tried looking in local disc c and hardware and apparently the device is working properly.
the case is deepcool tesseract sw blue and the hdd is seagate barracuda 1tb
Connecting an LED the wrong way round in a PC rarely does any damage - it just doesn't light. As you've found, connecting it correctly restores the light. As stated above, the LED is for activity indication, so has no set pattern: it's a comforter that something is happening!

But you don't like the colour and think it should be/was different? If the LED package is red, then the light will be red (!). If you want something else, just buy an LED of the same physical size in the colour you like, and change it. Green, Yellow or Orange should work OK, but Blue or White may not work as they require a little more current with a larger voltage drop. You clearly shouldn't poke around your motherboard or drive to try to improve the drive...
Connecting an LED the wrong way round in a PC rarely does any damage - it just doesn't light. As you've found, connecting it correctly restores the light. As stated above, the LED is for activity indication, so has no set pattern: it's a comforter that something is happening!

But you don't like the colour and think it should be/was different? If the LED package is red, then the light will be red (!). If you want something else, just buy an LED of the same physical size in the colour you like, and change it. Green, Yellow or Orange should work OK, but Blue or White may not work as they require a little more current with a larger voltage drop. You clearly shouldn't poke around your motherboard or drive to try to improve the drive current. (If they don't work and you are DESPERATE for Blue or White, then get an electronics-minded friend to knock you up a simple booster transistor circuit to go between the LED and the motherboard.)