hard drive clicking sound(not sure if it's the click of death)


Jan 13, 2015
My Seagate hard drive(internal) started the noise when I dropped it 2 days ago and it made the noise. I is not like the click of death, but instead, there were a repeated static like sound when I boot. The noise reduced later. I heard that the noise may be caused by software as well.
How do I fix It? I would like to try softwares first, then hardware. I am too poor to afford a new drive!

Hey HiDood. The fact that the HDD has been dropped and started to act weird with unusual noises after that, does not sound good at all. I'd recommend that you backup any important data which you might have on that drive ASAP. After that go ahead and download the manufacturer's diagnostic tool to see if the drive has any errors or bad sectors so that we know what we're dealing with here.

Let me know how everything goes with the test and please remember to backup your data asap.

the seatools said the hard drive was completely NORMAL!!! i dont have any important data(just bought it and the important science hw starts later)
Well if there are no errors or bad sectors it sounds like the drive is fine. If you decide to use it I would recommend that you always have a backup of the data which you put on it and test it from time to time to see if anything pops-up. If the noise keeps bothering you, you could contact the manufacturer's customer support and inquire about the issue.

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