Hard drive died...need help with new drive install


Aug 2, 2016
So I bought a new Gtx 1060 and installed it no problem. Shortly afterwards I began to hear my pc make a noise like the it was processing something but the pc ran fin. Fast forward a few weeks and my boot drive died. So I bought another hard drive that I planned to install Windows 10 on. While in the bios I changed the legacy boot settings... thinking it would allow me to boot from the w 10 usb. Instead it boots to the motherboard logo with option if you hit f2, f6, f11 delete etc. Only none of these key strokes do anything. There is a beep every minute or so them after a few minutes the screen goes black. Please tell my there is a way to fix this.....help

I have a asrock z77, with i5 3750k

try resetting the BIOS