Hard drive failure


Jul 10, 2015
So windows wanted me to repair my hard drive about 4-5 days ago. I repaired it and it only took about 2 hours for my computer to boot back up and repair the hard drive. I started up my pc today and the hard drive was making this sound (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYxEfo6XzZ0). I figured that my hard drive failed and had my backup usb hard drive and a new hard drive that I ordered a few weeks earlier. When i plugged the backup and new hard drive in and went to the bios both registered and appeared in boot up options 1&2. When i clicked on the backup the message: Reboot and Select proper Boot device or insert Boot Media in selected Boot device and press key. I'm completely stuck on what to do here.

Seagate - Backup Plus 1TB External USB 3.0/2.0 Portable Hard Drive
the segate backup plus is just another external form of storage like a usb flash drive. what i'm reading is you backed up your flash drive from your external hard drive. I still do not know how it was backed up, only that you backed it up and then moved it to a flash drive.

for example did you create a system image?
if you created a system image, what program did you use?
did you copy only files and then move them to the flash drive?

please be more specific.

if you did not use a system image software, your operating system needs to be reinstalled from scratch. then, you need to reinstall the backup program you used to restore your personal files, which i assume was provided on your segate backup plus drive. the segate backup plus drive does not provide system image software.

no I did not create a system image