Hard drive not detected in Windows 7 install?


May 28, 2016
I recently helped someone put together a computer and initially we used Windows 10 on a small hard drive just for the OS, and they later picked up a 1TB drive to install games and anything else on. But long story short Windows 10 just wasn't working out and we were just going to install 7 on the larger hard drive and just not worry about having two drives. I put in the CD I have with Windows 7 but when the screen comes up to select partitions/format/etc. I get an error saying no drives were detected and the screen stays blank. Tried diskpart to clean it but still nothing. I looked into changing the format, but when I plug it in to my own computer and go to Disk Management it only detects the one mine is using and not the drive that's plugged in through an external USB. I used Windows Memory Diagnostic but that seems to have only checked the drive in my PC which of course is fine.

I'm not sure what else I can do, could anyone help me out here?

System? It's a custom build PC, the hard drive is pretty new too since it was bought a few months ago. Just trying to make sure what you mean.
intel newer chipsets dont have drivers in windows 7. the newer ryzen mb do. if your using a ryzen cpu you have to do an f6 custom driver install to install the sata and mb chipset driver for ryzen. if your using an older mb make sure the drive is moving and seen on any other sata ports.

Well this is the MB and CPU for the computer it won't work on



But I can't even get the hard drive to show up as anything even on my own computer when using a USB SATA cable. It doesn't detect it as anything. Went and grabbed a new cable and tried with a newer hard drive for something else but neither show up when plugged into like three different computers. Which is weird since I used my computer to format it the first time when the hard drive was brand new and that worked fine.

Neither of them are working though and one is pretty much out of the box never been used before. It doesn't show up under disk drives on my computer, just as an ASMT 2115 USB Device. I don't hear any spinning from either.

It's an internal drive, well it's going to be if I can get one of them working. They're both 3.5"

Well the weird thing is I was able to format it before with the same exact cable and none others, in the same exact port. Just this time it doesn't work.

It's an internal drive, just hasn't been installed internally yet since Windows 7 wouldn't pick it up during installation.

I plugged it in to my own computer using a SATA since the USB obviously wasn't working anymore, I formatted it into NTFS but the other computer still won't detect the drive when installing Windows 7 when I fit it in there with a SATA as well. I just get the message saying it can't detect any drives despite it showing up in the BIOS.
amd system...download the ryzen chipset drivers for your mb for windows 7 unzio them and put them on the windows 7 usb stick. at start of windows hit f6 and install customer drivers. if not use old program called 7lite to make a updated iso image with updated drivers.

I'm going to try that but having some trouble finding the right drivers, I've looked on the list of downloads on their site but I don't see anything that says SATA drivers. Anyone happen to know where I can find the right ones? There is one that says all in one but that would be too broad wouldn't it? Or would it be the SATA Floppy Image driver?

Well I downloaded the drives and even made a Bootable USB for Windows 7 since I was just using the CD, but I can't find any way to actually get to the drivers that I put on there. This is all I get:



That's what I did, but nothing else shows up except for Computer and Boot (X: ), the unzipped drivers aren't found anywhere inside there.