Hard drive rack for custom build


Mar 14, 2012
Hey pplz,

I'm building a desk with a PC inside it (components, there is no case, the desk is the case) and instead of just attaching the HDDs inside the desk I was thinking I would have somewhere on the desk that you can actually pull the HDDs out... like a hard drive bay. It would only be 4x 3.5" drives (my SSD and scratch discs dont need to be "easily removable").

In reality I dont need a real hot swap bay that is its own case and motherboard and raid controller, but rather just the physical metal parts that eject a drive and stuff.

Hope im making sense!

Ive seen some on utube but they had no posts regarding where to buy or names of products

Edit: is this what I would be looking at?

How do the cables work in the back? I plug sata into the component and then it has its own attachment to the hdd??

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