Hard drives having issues


May 1, 2006
This is my first PC build where I have more than one drive and maybe I overlooked something. When I download files probably half of the time they are corrupted because they didn't write properly to the disk.

This is my setup in disk management. The C: is my Solid State that I have my OS on. The E: is my hard drive that I want to use for storing my files on. Now all the time when I write files to the E: there is always corruptions. Is something set wrong in my disk management?


On top of that, If I try to format the E: it will say "Windows cannot format the system partition on the disk"
The solid state (C) is a new hard drive. The 600GB hard drive is 3 years old and i've been using it perfectly up until yesterday. Once I upgraded this computer with new parts now the hard drive isn't performing well.

I think the solid state has issues too because programs crash often. I have so many different problems I don't know where to pinpoint what is wrong.
E drive is listed as a system drive which means widows boot management is on it. As such it won't be allowed to be formatted.

Normally when you install a windows OS, you only want one drive attached to the system, the one you are installing the OS onto. This forces windows to put the boot loader and the OS on the same disk instead of splitting them up on different drives like what has occured here.

Edit: You can attatch the remaining drives after the OS has completed installing.
Okay I unplugged my hard drive and did a fresh install just with my solid state.

I tried downloading a large file and when it got to the very end it went to BSOD with "irql_not_less_or_equal", so I can rule out that the second hard drive is not a problem, since it isn't connected.

I went into my BIOS and found my solid state is plugged into a "Marvell Serial ATA connector" and i have no idea what marvell is.

It then says "The connector is for data drives only. ATAPI device is not supported."

Does this mean I can't run my OS drive through this connector?
you can format the E: partionion using CMD, try that. I cant for the life of me rember how i did it. it may be diskpart (which is an .exe) just type diskpart into the CMD console and it will open a new CMD thats called diskpart.exe.

ATAPI is for optical drives. A SSD should work. Try conecting the SSD to SATA_0 (port 0) on the main drive controller if you have more than one controller. Installing the OS with just a single drive attached is still always a good idea.