I have a Toshiba laptop 200 gig HDD, 3 gig ram, AMD turion, vista home premium and here's my problem. I thought vista was slow at loading, but my laptop is even slower and I figured out sort of why. When I power up my laptop, immediately after passing the bios loading screen the harddrive doesn't spinning (I cannot hear it, nor does the light show any activity). And yet the Vista loading screen pops up and the progress bar moves... and moves... and moves... and then (I haven't timed it) around a minute and a half, the harddrive kicks in and the progress bar moves some more... and moves... and moves. (about an additional minute). What happens AFTER that I'm not worried about in terms of speed it's just... How is is possible that vista says it's loading while my HDD isn't spinning? It wastes a lot of time.
I have a Toshiba laptop 200 gig HDD, 3 gig ram, AMD turion, vista home premium and here's my problem. I thought vista was slow at loading, but my laptop is even slower and I figured out sort of why. When I power up my laptop, immediately after passing the bios loading screen the harddrive doesn't spinning (I cannot hear it, nor does the light show any activity). And yet the Vista loading screen pops up and the progress bar moves... and moves... and moves... and then (I haven't timed it) around a minute and a half, the harddrive kicks in and the progress bar moves some more... and moves... and moves. (about an additional minute). What happens AFTER that I'm not worried about in terms of speed it's just... How is is possible that vista says it's loading while my HDD isn't spinning? It wastes a lot of time.