I have a seagate barracuda ultra ata and IBM Desktar both 7200rpm. When installed into my pc configured with AbitKT7-nonraid/AMD-1000mhz/256MBram. They perform very slow when running benchmark tests. I'm running windowm ME on it. If I install them into my old AbitBE6/500mhzceleron/128MB ram, the benchmark results are lost faster. that machine is running windows98. The only diff is that in my new ABit KT7, I dont see a ATA/66 controller device in device manager and under disk types, I has my disk as generic. My celeron machine identifies the disks correctly and has the hotrod device visible in device manager. please, does anyone know why the lack of performance. It's a newer faster machine, but my disk performace on it sucks. I already check all my Bios settings, everything is optimized for ATA/66 speed.