[citation][nom]nmathew[/nom]Sure, if the attacker knows we're limited to dictionary type words, it can be hacked via a dictionary attack, but the gross number of possible words makes for a decent search space. If my math is correct, lets assume that I have a pass phrase like your example. That's 6 "characters," but how many possible "characters" are there? If our words are limited to a list of the 100 most common words, and assume the attacker knows this, I get a possible number of passphrases as 100^6, which is 1 trillion. That's between a 8 and 9 character long all lowercase password in difficulty to brute force. Increase the rarity of the words to the 300 most common, and that number scales to only 729 trillion, but it's easy to remember, and better than a lower case and upper case 8 character password. Use rarer words or the much mocked l33t conversion to increase to 600 possible "words" and we're looking at ~46.5 quadtrillion, which is better than a truly random 9 character lower case + upper case + number password. Plus, it's trivial to spoil such a passphrase to make dictionary attacks unhelpful. That, as I understand it, is the value of passphrases. They are long, easy to remember, and pretty easy to make immune to non brute attack methods. "22Tob3ornot2be?" doesn't have the greatest entropy, but it has enough. It's not nearly has entropic as a truly random 15 character string, but it can be remembered. Good luck breaking/guessing it. If we get slightly clever, and construct something containing a shot but nonsense string(traditional 4 character password), it becomes unassailable and something I'd be comfortable using for everything short of nuclear launch keys. I like beer, could become "I likIlb!e b33r!"[/citation]
Very true. Most people don't put that much thought into passwords, though.
The number of common words in the english language is far less than 100 million (300 million already includes many obscure words). If you include pseudowords like pa55word, then you're still looking at far fewer variations. Conversational english includes less than 10,000 unique words (what you use on a day to day basis). In the end, it's not just the password space that matters, it's also about the speed, which is what we're trying to show here. 3 billion passwords per second is nothing to scoff at.