[SOLVED] Has anyone had experience with either a b-quite or a Thermaltake smart power psu?


Sep 20, 2008
Has anyone had experience with a b-quit psu or those newer Thermaltake smart power psu?

One other question if what I can afford is say a 500watt psu and I'm running it right at its limit with a 2080nvidia card does that draw more power on my power bill than say having a 6 or 700watt for same setup?

Also any ideas as to those listed psus as they seem to be out of stock most the decent ones and I seen some good deals on those and wondered if anyone had any experience with them

There's no good deals on PSUs right now. Expect to pay $40+ more than you normally would.

Be Quiet makes good units (except their system power line)

Avoid Thermaltake.