Has crime risen since Obama became President

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They do seem to provide anecdotal "facts" (or heavily opinionated ones) that folks believe. Note, no one is offering a source attributed by the mainstream media here. No spin allowed.
Let there be no doubt, there have been some local issues where certain jurisdictions have had increases in crimes.

However, on a national scale, nearly all legitimate sources that I have been able to find point to a downward trend. Also, given the reality of the layers of government, from the local, through the state, to the national level, just what does any expect the President to do about the jaywalkers in Peoria?

When laws are enforced, someone complains. When laws are not enforced, someone complains. When new laws are passed, someone complains. When new laws are proposed, someone complains. Anyone even mention something related to gun control, someone complains (and claims that martial law is just around the corner, just before the civil war will erupt). Fun, stuff. No?

Crime certainly has decreased nationally over the past 10-20 years. But I think the perception that crime is rampant is largely due to the current progressive political ideology and a complicit mainstream media.

After all, how do you keep the proletariat in servitude without a manufactured boogey-man to keep them looking towards government for solutions. Combine that with an overt national gun control campaign and BAM you've got law abiding citizens without the means to protect themselves and willing to trade liberty for safety.

I watch Fox on a regular basis (as well as other outlets) and none of them specifically have made the assertion that crime has increased because the opposite is actually true. Crime statistics are easily obtained and compared to previous years. What we see is simply observation bias. There is a massive increase in reporting of every single non-trivial crime that occurs, due to needing to fill up a 24-hour news cycle on multiple channels. This leads the viewer to believe that we are besieged by crime because they didn't remeber this number of stories being reported in the past. That was true- more crimes happened and significantly less of it of was widely reported. If I might make a side track to another discussion here, we are also seeing "more extreme weather than we ever used to" due to the same observation bias.


As Rahm Emmanuel said, "never let a good crisis go to waste." The statists will use anything they can think of to obtain more power, even if it is a blatant power grab based on a complete lie.

I personally don't trust any three-letter agency to do anything except look out for their own best interest. We've seen that proven repeatedly in the past couple of years. The DOJ has done nothing about the multiple major government scandals in the Obama administration but has spared no effort in trying to mandate gun control bracelets and fine Credit Suisse and some auto parts dealers in Detroit.
Gun control you mention must be regulated and also mental health issues should be looked into more seriously than now which they simple ignore.These 2 issues are a must.

I agree. It should be, at least, as difficult to register for gun ownership as car ownership. This in no way infringes upon the 2nd Amendment (in spite of all of the rhetoric and FUD).

Mental illness deserves the same attention as any other illness, I fully agree. It can no longer be ignored by society. These issues will not be wished away.

I take it you have never actually done the BATFE firearms registration to buy a firearm. I have. It is significantly more in-depth than in getting a driver's license. All you need to do to get a new driver's license is take a short written test, identify a couple of road signs in the vision testing machine, drive about three blocks, and then take your birth certificate or passport to the license bureau and you're good. You can do the entire process in a couple hours if they are not busy. There's no background check or anything.

You have to submit to a background check and sign several affadavits to be able to buy a firearm. If the NICS system is down it can take days to process and you cannot purchase the weapon until the dealer/seller gets the results. At the absolute best it takes about an hour, usually longer.

Honestly, my firearms ownership predates most current rules (I am 50 and my first purchase was with my parents when I was 13, I earned extra $$$ working for neighboring farmers to purchase a Winchester 30-30).

This is good info. Is this level of involvement universal (at the National level)? I really don't know.
I'm older than dirt and have had a concealed carry permit for many years. There is no problem getting a CC permit in my state. Just visit my Town Marshall, get fingerprinted, fill out a simple form, and wait for it to be delivered in the mail. Buying a handgun was even easier. Go in, pick it out, wait 2 weeks, take it home. No need to even wait if you have a CC permit. Easier yet, if you go to one of the gunshows in my area, you can walk out with a weapon, no background check. But that varies state by state. Which means, if it doesn't work in your state, go next door. Like the gangs do.

I agree, the 2nd amendment has been horribly abused and misused by the gun lobby and their minions. Simply asking that one be mentally sound before running around the country with a weapon of war will get you run out of office. And with the spineless legislators we have today...

Well said.

In some States you must consent to a mental health background check in order to purchase ANY firearm, whether it be a rifle, shotgun, or handgun. However, what the mental health background check DOES NOT DO is flag those people who are mentally ill and are not being treated or have not been institutionalized. Ok, so you say, well let's enter the names of everyone who is being treated for mental illness into a database to be used as part of the background checks. Seemingly good idea but a VERY slippery slope and in reality it would be HUGE invasion of privacy. Where do you draw the line then? Who determines what mental illnesses should/should not be blacklisted? Does an adult with ADHD and on Ritalin or Concerta deserve to be denied a firearm? Does a Mother who suffers post-partum depression deserve to have her 2nd Amendment rights denied? What about a schizophrenic who has been without any psychosis for two years because they are actively being treated, do they deserve to be denied?

With statements like that, it makes me wonder if you've actually purchased a firearm. The joke of it is, even in States with some of the strictest gun laws, like where I live in New Jersey, gun registration DOES NOT prevent gun violence. Heck, New Jersey has the murder capital of the United States, Camden. Even with all the the registration laws, waiting periods, and background checks NONE of them has had any impact on reducing gun violence. None.

Incidentally, you know what laws have been proven and demonstrated to reduce gun violence and gun related deaths? Concealed and/or open carry! Research it.

Be thankful you can actually get a CC permit. As a resident of New Jersey, you are able to exercise an fundamental right that I cannot!

You hit on a good point. Laws vary from State to State. Where the Federal government is (supposedly) restricted in acting by the 2nd Amendment, the fact is according to the 10th Amendment, it is the States have the sole purview to pass gun control laws.

As far as the gun lobby "misusing" the 2nd Amendment, consider this; for the first 145 years of this country there was only one federal gun control law, the 2nd Amendment, and that is (supposedly) a restriction on the federal government's ability to impose federal gun control laws. Since 1934, there have been 10 federal gun control laws. That's 10 federal gun control laws in the past 80 years compared to 145 years of living under the protection of the 2nd Amendment. Maybe the gun lobby is simply responding to the abuses of the federal government as a result of usurping 145 years of Constitutional protection and infringing on the our fundamental rights.

And the points made earlier have just been confirmed, whether intended or not.

I have purchased multiple firearms, albeit not in the last 20 years, that I fully admit.


Just to clarify one thing tho, in New Jersey, it is far more difficult to purchase firearms than it is to get a driver's license. That much is demonstrated every morning I drive to work! Lol!

As a 2A supporter, I catch a lot of flack from fellow supporters when I remind them that the States are allowed to pass whatever laws they want. They really hate it when I remind them that different States have different laws and they are free to "vote with their feet" and move to another State with less restrictive gun laws. And I really catch $hit when I tell them that if they don't like NJ's laws they need to call their State Assembly and Senators and be active in lobbying their government.

Quite a lot has changed in the past 20 years, at least in New Jersey. A Firearms ID Card and Permit to Purchase literally was returned the next day; today, it takes an average of 6 weeks. When I purchased my first firearm 24 years ago, there was no mental health check, no waiting period, no purchasing limits, no ammunition restrictions, and especially no interviews from the Police Chief or Lieutenant asking intrusive questions about why and what I was going to purchase. These changes are at the State level, let's not even get into the individual Municipal changes!

Well at least the Democrats are trying for some type of gun regulation and mental health investigations while the republicans Zero!
And why gun regulation would be good? Criminals will have access to firearms regardless there is a gun owning control or not. And there is no chance that Police will always protect you, so you need to have a chance to protect yourself.

Right...because the logical motivation for passing any law is so you can say you did something about it no matter how intrusive, unconstitutional, or how much liberty we lose as a result.

Come to Vermont our gun laws are extremely loose. We also have some of the lowest crime rates in the country but... we are also borderline socialist with a very good healthcare and more importantly mental healthcare services.
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