I've had my headset for a few years now (maybe 3-4 years). It's had a good run i'll admit. But today it suddenly stopped being recognized by my computer. When i unplugged the USB and plugged it back in. I got a USB unrecognized / device malfunctioned error message. I tried reinstalling the USB drivers and tried the headset in another desktop, a tablet and two other laptops. All running windows 10 and one running windows 8. Each device gave me the same message. So my question for the community. Is there a remedy for this outside of buying a new headset? The headset was fairly cheap and i feel i've got my monies worth but if possible i'd love to save a few bucks and keep on using it. Thank you.
Headset : http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16826193069&cm_re=rosewill_headset-_-26-193-069-_-Product
Headset : http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16826193069&cm_re=rosewill_headset-_-26-193-069-_-Product