Question I'm looking for a really compact media player ?

Dec 26, 2024

can you give me suggestions for a really compact media player. Essential functions should be play, pause, fullscreen, volume change, jump to time (or a bar to click on) and maybe that it supports subtitles. There should not be much more than that. Can you recommend me something.

It should pretty much look like this:

Wondershare player, but sadly this one does not work directly to open mp4, avi etc. but this is roughly the level of essential I am hoping to find. Would be awesome if you knew any that are similar.
VLC. Doesn't do too much. Most likely have to add extensions for subtitle and jump-to-time. It has a bar that you can slide backward-forward, though. Plays pretty much all the formats I have too. 180MB in the x64 directory.
Thanks für the tips, but media player classic and vlc have still have too many functions.
I am looking for something that really has only very essential stuff (like in the screenshot), nothing like jump back 5 seconds forward, dont need playlists, no equalizer/compressor options etc.
Thanks I will check MPlayer later on! If anybody else has ideas, please share and happy new year everybody 🙂
Thanks Dean. Admittedly the first time I hear this player name and I cannot find much about it. Where can I get it?
I found this link

which seems to lead to nowhere. On google, a lot of results searching for Daum Dot Player are about Pot Player. Was it renamed into that?
Wrong link. Get it from here:
Literally first result when you google "Pot player".