Haswell Build or Skylake build?

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Mar 17, 2016
Hello all.

I'm sure this has been asked and discussed a hundred times already, but here i am, asking the same question again.

Skylake vs Haswell?

What will i use the computer for? Mainly gaming. I go to many lan partys and im tired of always taking my whole Home equipt with me, so i'm planing to build a mid-high tier pc for lan partys.

The build would look something like this:

Haswel or Skylake CPU (probably i5)
Haswell or Skylake MB (Obviously)
8 GB ram
R9 370/380 (Not sure yet, might even go for nvidia)

I've got around 700-750 Dollars. If i'd go for the Haswell build, i could invest a bit more into the ram and or into the graphics card. If i go with the Skylake build... well, then i can't, since the parts cost more.

Long story short, should i get a Skylake build and get a bit a cheaper GPU or should i go for the Haswell build and get the better gpu and maybe ram?

Games i usually play are:

Arma 3

And stuff like that. I'm not someone who always needs MAX SETTINGS MAX FPS!1!111!!
I'm okay with playing on mid-high settings but with a constant 60 fps.

Oh, also, sorry if i've chosen the wrong sub-forum.

Edit: I don't plan on Upgrading the PC for atleast 2 years.

Edit2: Should i consider an AMD build and go for a high tier GPU?
Definitely Skylake in my opinion. Not for the sake of performance, but for the sake of your investment. Haswell is a dead end socket, however if your going for an I5 your future upgrade would look towards the 4790K and thats where the line stops.

With Skylake atleast they will be producing more CPUs and youll have more options for upgrading, DDR3 is also going down the retired slope as DDR4 is slowly taking over. Pricing of DDR4 and DDR3 is irrelevant now. Youll be much better off going Skylake for future upgradability where you not just throwing your money in the air. Granted youll be absolutely fine with a Haswell build for several years to come, once that time comes youll have to buy a whole new pc and start over again. For some...
Oh, i wasn't sure if it's just for better overclocking or if you couldn't overclock at all without the Z version of the MoBo. Thanks for clearing that up.

Well, that's more or like what i'm trying to figure out. If the 50-70USD are worth the +performance i get. I mean, most likely yes, since not only do i get more performance but also the new generation with DDR4 etc. But you know, i wanted to get some opinions here.

I think i'll go for the Skylake Build. Guess it's really not the best idea to go Haswell at this point.

Oh, well since i'm not someone who always needs max fps on ultra i'm okay with a less strong GPU. I'm totally fine with playing on medium while having 60fps.

Anyways, thanks for the help and support guys. Really appreciated. I'm not sure which one to choose as solution tho...
^ agreed, however the caveat to that is that it is much much easier to update the GPY later when a locked i5 may be a constraint. My unlocked i5 has kept me happy since may 2012, I consider that it easily has another 2 years in it, a locked one might be up for replacement with next GPU update.

So is there anything that you can shave off the price to get to an unlocked i5 and a 380? Or can you save for another month? You are at that balancing point between an OK system and a Good system, a slight nudge will get you to good.
Oh, i'm definitely not going for a 370.

I will go for the unlocked i5 and the 380. I'll have a friend of mine help me out in case i miss a few USD.

I've got myself an unlocked Haswell i5 2 years ago and i'm still totally happy with it, so i was planning to get an unlocked one again.

So yeah, Processor will probably be the i5-6600k and GPU will probably be the r9 380, maybe even 380x.

What is open is to figure out the ram, psu, MoBo etc.