Question Having continues BSOD's two or three times a day since i built my new pc.

Jul 30, 2019
My Built:

Ryzen 3700X
RTX 2070 Super
Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB*2 (32GB)
Gigabyte X470 Aorus Gaming Wifi
1000W Corsair RM1000X PSU

I am having continuous BSODs of different kinds everytime and this is very frustrating after spending so much money into the build.

I have all my drivers updated, the bios is the latest (22 July 2019) and i even checked my RAM by memtest86 yet i don't know what is going wrong.

Please Help.
Jul 27, 2019
My Built:

Ryzen 3700X
RTX 2070 Super
Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB*2 (32GB)
Gigabyte X470 Aorus Gaming Wifi
1000W Corsair RM1000X PSU

I am having continuous BSODs of different kinds everytime and this is very frustrating after spending so much money into the build.

I have all my drivers updated, the bios is the latest (22 July 2019) and i even checked my RAM by memtest86 yet i don't know what is going wrong.

Please Help.
I had a similar problem with my PC after using it for 1 month, but in my case it was faulty RAM and since you have tested your modules I'll guess there were no errors with them. Please give more information about the BSODs, do they happen when you try to run certain apps? What error pops up in the BSOD? For how long did you run memtest86?
Sometimes RAM fails and dont give erros on memtest, that was my case, had 32GB kit and a 16 GB KIT (4x4gb), had bsods, checked ram with memtest did not result any errors, removed the 32gb kit still had BSOD removed 2 sticks from the 16gb kit, no BSODS, removed the 16gb kit and puted the 32gb (to test the dim slots) no BSODs, rmaed the 16kit, got a full refund and the price of ram skyrocketed and did not replaced them, i saw no benefit worthign paying that much.