Having difficulty getting new 2133 memory to work with my 2500k/Z68 Mb


Jan 16, 2012
For starters, this is the RAM I purchased:


My specs are:

Z68 Extreme3 Gen3
Win7 64 Bit Home Premium
620W PSU

Think that's everything relevant. Anyway, the RAM is in, I'm writing this message from the computer now. The problem is that when restarting or booting up, odd things happen. Specifically, it usually takes 3-4 attempts for the computer to come on. Before that it starts, shuts off after 1 second, and repeats that 2 or 3 times before working. It also does this if I save and exit BIOS settings.

Also sometimes tries to start up, and rather than repeatedly rebooting, it just shows a black screen and does nothing. Forcing a shutdown and starting backup puts it back into it's 3/4 attempt cycle and then functions.

Naturally, this concerns me. I've no idea how this will affect my computer with general use, but I imagine it's a bad sign one way or another. Is there anything I've clearly done wrong? I also can't get BIOS to report the speed as anything above 1333 at all. Here are 5 images I took of my BIOS settings. Phone images, but fairly readable..:





Thanks if anyone has any idea what the problem might be here.
Make sure you have the latest BIOS...If wanting to run them at 2133 will prob need a bit of an OC, maybe 4.0. Might all need to raise the MC voltage a bit, believe it's the VTTDDR
What you want to do is get the motherboard to just load the XMP profile off the RAM. That will automatically configure the correct settings for you. You don't want to muck around with any manual settings unless you have to, or unless you're trying to OC the RAM further (which is almost never worthwhile once you've got decently fast RAM to start with like you do).

In your first screen shot, where it says "Load XMP Profile", you want to change that setting from AUTO to load Profile 1 - not exactly sure what the wording will be, but change from Auto to Profile 1. Make all other RAM settings Auto, and it should then just load the correct settings. That's the RAM's way of telling the motherboard the optimal settings.

Well I gave that a try, but the rebooting issue is still there. What I did originally was just manually setting all of the XMP settings as far as I could tell. I'm gonna do some more intensive stuff over the next few minutes to see what happens during actual use...

My BIOS should be up to date. As to the OC, I am running at 4.4 already. I believe, anyway. I'm not an OC expert, but that's what I should be at. The settings are mostly just a result of trial and error because I'm not really any good at it.

There's pictures of the OC settings up there as well, last 2 images.

Doesn't seem like changing VTT or VCCSA fixed it either. Just to see, I manually changed the speed down to 1866, and then 1333. No rebooting issue at 1333, but I guess I should have expected that.

Is it possible that some of the other Auto settings in DRAM Config are the problem? Or maybe some of the other voltage settings?
Alright, seems I made a mistake. I remember updating my BIOS some months ago, but apparently I either failed and didn't realize it, or abandoned the attempt since the website tells you not to update if your system is already stable. In any case, I just updated from 1.30 to 2.30. Tried the default XMP profile settings and got a blue screen. Then I put back in my previous OC settings (maneuvering around some new and confusing settings..), and now everything seems to be working. May need to drop by the CPU forum to try and figure out the CPU overclock settings again, but unless I get a surprise crash, this matter seems to be resolved. No random rebooting at 2133 at least. Hopefully nothing pops up later.