I just bought a 30mm, 18 LEDs led strip, it has a 3 pin connector that's connected to the mobo as a fan.
So I connected it and it was ok, when I start up my pc, the led works for 2 seconds and shuts down "the led not the pc".
What am I doing wrong? it's power as indicated is 5v. My PSU is 650RM. I searched for the molex cable to connect the led to the psu, I connected it on the 5v (red and black) and tried using it before connecting it to the psu, it didn't work, tried again with the 12v (yellow and black) and it just worked about fine. The problem is that my led is supposed to be 5v not 12v. So should I just connect it to the 5v and try it with my psu and it's gonna work? or just stick with the 12v since my led looks like 12v and not 5v as indicated? and would this hurt my psu, or possibly any other components?
So I connected it and it was ok, when I start up my pc, the led works for 2 seconds and shuts down "the led not the pc".
What am I doing wrong? it's power as indicated is 5v. My PSU is 650RM. I searched for the molex cable to connect the led to the psu, I connected it on the 5v (red and black) and tried using it before connecting it to the psu, it didn't work, tried again with the 12v (yellow and black) and it just worked about fine. The problem is that my led is supposed to be 5v not 12v. So should I just connect it to the 5v and try it with my psu and it's gonna work? or just stick with the 12v since my led looks like 12v and not 5v as indicated? and would this hurt my psu, or possibly any other components?